Raheny News


The completion of the Roof Restoration works are a fitting tribute to Rev.Carroll (known to all with much affection as Jim), who retires from his post as Rector of All Saints Church at the end of April after 21 years of ministry to the communities of Raheny and Coolock (being also Rector of St. John's Church).

Jim has been inspiring both as a person and a leader, he is filled with warmth, kindness ana a 'can do' spirit that is exemplified not only by the roof restoration works, but also by the construction of a new Primary School for the parish, Springoale National School in Raheny, during his tenure. These huge projects are a fitting and lasting tribute to his ability to gather teams around him, which, following his leadership, will go the extra mile to arrive at a successful conclusion - whatever the challenge may be!

At a personal level, his ministry to all from the youngest to the oldest in the Parish, has been inspiring and filled with warmth. He remembers everybody's name and often sings 'Happy Birthday' during a Sunday service, to the great amusement of all around! He has attended all thrice-weekly assemblies in the school. He has boundless energy, often walking or cycling around Raheny, and typical of Jim's fun-loving persona is his volunteering to have wet sponges thrown at him (by the highest bidder during the annual Strawberry Fair).

He has worked tirelessly, including being Chaplain in Beaumont Hospital for parishioners, and led the 24 hour Bible Reading Marathon that was so successful in marking the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, which incidentally contributed hugely to the Roof Restoration Fund and has become an annual event.

Conservation and green energy are other great passions of Jim's, and he has a great interest in both the School's Green Committee and the Parish magazine's "Echo Eye" column. Happily, news of the school's impending Green Flag arrived in time for Jim to enjoy it.

As it states in Proverbs (13: 20) "He who walks with the wise grows wise", and we have all grown wise from the wonderful gifts that Jim and Valerie shared with the Parishes of Raheny and Coolock, Springdale school, and the wider camiunities in Raheny and beyond.

Indeed Jim has established links between the parishes of All Saints and Belvoir Parish in Belfast, through which we realise that there is much spiritual sharing, and also friendship that can blossom from such connections, which we hope will continue and grow.

Audrey Lazenby Simpson

Raheny News, No. 1,052, 21st April 2013


Last week's Raheny News featured news of the retirement of Rev. Jim Carroll and his wife Valerie.

The expression that "behind every great man is a great woman" was never truer than in this case.

We are very sorry to say goodbye to Valerie - as the leader and co-ordinator of JAM (Jesus and Me) Club (Sunday School), she has been a tremendous inspiration and beacon for so many children since she established it in 2005, thus welcoming a whole new generation of parishioners.

She has led the youth ministry in All Saints' Church and has also raised thousands of Euros for various charities through their nomination as the JAM Club charity of the year, including Crumlin Hospital, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Huntington's Disease Association and Focus Ireland.

She remembers all the children's names and their likes and dislikes, from the smallest child. Quietly, with determination, commitment, organisation and a great deal of loving kindness Valerie has been behind the scenes organising the JAM club weekly. She is, in essence, both the heart and mind of the JAM Club. She has gently and persuasively built a dedicated team to lead JAM club week after week.

This enthusiastic team which Valerie nurtures, co-ordinates and supports is just part of the legacy that she will leave when she departs next month.

Her fondness for all the children is particularly evident at special times such as Christmas and Easter, when gifts are organised (including Easter eggs), to the great joy of the recipients. It must be remembered that all of this has been done alongside her busy and demanding day job.

Nelson Mandela said that "There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children".

If that is the case our community has a soul full of love and kindness and brimming with hope.

We wish her and Jim every blessing, happiness and good health.

Andrea Lazenby Simpson

Raheny News, No. 1,053, 28th April 2013