Wednesday, 23 December 2009






And what we’re Up Against.

2007: Anti-Democratic and Criminal Conspiracy

By Jersey Civil Servants:

“Bill Ogley and the others were persistent and I was left with the clear impression that they were attempting to draw me, in my capacity as Chief of Police, into a civil service led attempt to remove a Minister from Office.”

Graham Power, July 2007.

1999: Failure to Prosecute

Serial-Killer ‘Nurse M’:

2009: Metropolitan Police Review of 1999

Investigation of ‘Nurse M’:

“4.5.11 Recommendation

It is recommended that the States of Jersey Police carry out an up-to-date risk assessment of the activities of [Nurse M] with a view to prevention of offences against vulnerable members of the Jersey community.”

2009: Most Child Abuse Cases Dropped

With Support of “Independent” UK Lawyers:

“7 Bedford Row”

“In 2003, 7 Bedford Row formed a professional alliance with Jersey-based BakerPlatt”.

Some readers of this blog agree with my views.

Some readers do not.

Some readers look forward to my postings.

Others tremble in fear.

But in agreement or no – I can guarantee you that – even though many deny it – this blog is the most widely read Channel Island politics site.

Politicians, members of the public, would-be politicians, journalists, and business people – it is to this site they look for the real issues.

Indeed, many people, including journalists – nationally and internationally – who follow Jersey events, do so here. And they do so not out of some kind of fan loyalty – but because they know they will be able to read facts here that none of the Channel Islands’ traditional media – including BBC Jersey – would report.

Which is, of course, one of the principle reasons the Jersey oligarchy have acted so crazedley in doing anything they can to try and crush me.

I think someone is going to have to gently break the news to them – it hasn’t worked.

And just in case that fact were not obvious enough already – it certainly will be – after reading this posting.

And – as ever – I must thank my sources – known and unknown.

For newer readers of this site – and, indeed, existing readers – to fully grasp the magnitude of the evidenced facts I explain below, it is necessary to set the scene by way of a little background information.

Although I have been an elected member of the Jersey parliament for nearly 20 years, have the highest electoral mandate of all Jersey’s present politicians, and am ‘Father of the House’ as the longest continually serving Senator – I am presently a fugitive from the “law”.

I am ‘on the run’ – in exile – in London; driven from my family, my home, my friends my constituents and my island.

The true reasons for this extraordinary state of affairs are explained – and evidenced – below.

This posting is built around three, evidenced – and truly quite damning – scandals.

Three examples of the sheer decadence of the Jersey oligarchy.

Any one – on its own – of the three issues I’m reporting below, would – if occurring at national level – indeed “bring down the government”, to quote Ogley’s remark.

The three taken together – with the unarguable, supporting evidence - mark what we can now term, ‘The End’ – after over 800 years of a monopoly of power – of the Jersey oligarchy.

Well, certainly, at least, The End of any pretence at respectability, decency and credibility.

If the apparatus of the Jersey oligarchy survives this – and if the senior individuals involved do not now have the basic decency to simply resign – then that intransigence will, of itself, simply serve to further prove the point.

So what are these three scandalous issues; these three disgraceful and immoral failures of public administration?

Before explaining the detail – I will summarise.

1: In the summer of 2007, I was the Minister for Health & Social Services. Because I was striving conscientiously to carry out my statutory duties in investigating child protection failures – the senior civil servants responsible for those failures - in what was, essentially, a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice – led the unlawful engineering of my dismissal. They did this in the belief and hope that by removing me from Office, their malfeasances could continue to be concealed.

I have the proof.

2: In 1999, the Jersey authorities failed to properly, fully and correctly investigate a powerfully compelling case of mass-murder – an episode of serial killing of frail vulnerable patients by a rogue male nurse. I exposed that case earlier this year, and was subsequently arrested in a massed police raid, and am being prosecuted for supposed breaches of the data protection law. The Jersey oligarchy suddenly decided, after months of pre-trial preparation, that my public interest disclosure defence was “no longer admissible”. They did this - because my defence case was proven. The man in question remains a serious risk to vulnerable members of the Jersey community.

I have the proof.

3: During the last three years, Jersey has been rocked by the investigation and exposure of many decades of concealed child abuse. Under the good leadership of Graham Power and Lenny Harper, the Jersey police force had investigated a substantial number of alleged abusers and had submitted the reports to Jersey’s Attorney General for prosecution of the cases. Lenny Harper retired. Graham Power was unlawfully suspended. These events left the way clear for Jersey’s Attorney General, William Bailhache to not proceed with the vast majority of the prosecutions, in a profoundly misguided attempt to “protect” the Jersey oligarchy’s “image” from scandal. In order to confer some “credibility” to his decisions not to prosecute, William Bailhache claimed to have had the cases thoroughly reviewed by “independent” lawyers. The lawyers he employed – 7 Bedford Row – could not, by any stretch of the imagination, be described as “independent”. On the contrary – they are catastrophically conflicted – on both commercial and personal grounds.

I have the proof.

What – in simple terms – do these three disastrous breakdowns in public administration mean?

They mean that: -

Functioning democracy in Jersey has broken down.

The elected representatives of the people cannot pursue policies that senior civil servants don’t like.

That senior civil servants can be incompetent, dishonest, corrupt and dangerous – with impunity.

That they will behave in criminal ways to obstruct a Minister who is attempting to carry out his legal duties and obligations.

That they will connive, manipulate and lie – to protect themselves and their colleagues.

That so ethically bankrupt are they, they will place self-interest over the welfare and protection of vulnerable children.

That so utterly corrupted, self-interested, decadent and out of control is public administration in Jersey – that even mass-murder can be concealed – if that’s what it takes to protect “image” and “reputations”.

That so completely devoid of any functioning checks and balances is Jersey society that your loved ones could be murdered in their sleep – by a man who is a known danger - because it’s just more “convenient” and less “trouble” all round, for the powers that be - to let the man concerned carry on being a registered nurse – rather than prosecute him for murder.

That the proper rule of law and good administration of justice in Jersey have completely broken down.

That the prosecution and judicial systems in Jersey usurp democracy.

That the legal and judicial establishment act as a kind of unaccountable junta – that will stop at virtually nothing – and will misappropriate many, many millions of pounds of tax-payers’ money to protect their image and the status quo.

That those individuals in Jersey who are appointed to enact the law – in the good name of the Crown – are, in fact, so shamefully unworthy of the positions they hold as to spend millions of pounds of public money – employing their friends – to provide them with “legal” excuses – not to prosecute child abusers.

And – that none of the prosecution decisions – be they to not prosecute the murderer, not prosecute the child abuse concealers, and to not prosecute the many child abusers – can now be regarded as safe.

Just as the decision to maliciously prosecute me cannot be regarded as safe.

I will now describe in more detail the three scandals summarised above, beginning with the anti-democratic and criminal conspiracy by senior civil servants to engineer my dismissal as Minster for Health & Social Services; an action they embarked upon in an attempt to conceal child protection failures.

Regular readers will recollect my blog posting of the 5th September, titled, “The Jersey Authorities: Trustworthy & Ethical? A Case-Study.”

In the posting, I explained – on a carefully evidenced and chronological basis – just how the senior ranks of Jersey’s civil service had unlawfully conspired to obstruct me in my Ministerial duties – and to engineer my dismissal.

I won’t repeat all those facts now; instead, I suggest going to that posting in my archive and reading it in its entirety. But – in summery – the salient points are these.

As the Minister for Health & Social Services, I had statutory duties to fulfil in respect of child protection. I was attempting to meet those obligations, but certain senior civil servants did not want their failures – and worse, in certain cases – to be exposed, so they set about engineering my dismissal; a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice that they ultimately succeeded in.

At that time – July 2007 – none of us – politicians or civil servants – were aware of the covert police investigation, so it appeared to the civil servants that it was just me making a fuss – and if they could get rid of me, the culture of concealment could continue.

Much later that year, after the police investigation had gone public, I made a formal complaint to the police about the conduct of the civil servants. In response, the Chief of Police, Graham Power, formally replied to me – and informed me that he and another officer, Detective Inspector Allison Fossey – had both written file-notes following separate meetings they had attended in July 2007 – at which they had witnessed and heard my dismissal being plotted and engineered.

Indeed, I fully suspect that acting in this honourable and professional manner – and not going along with “The Jersey Way” – strongly contributed to the unlawful suspension enacted against Mr. Power in November 2008 – by the then Home Affairs Minister - and Bill Ogley.

A suspicion which will become all the more understandable – as you read on.

It is difficult to find fresh words adequate to describe these events. I’ve used up all the obvious ones; corrupt, ethically bankrupt, an assault upon democracy, Kafkaesque, lawless, couldn’t make it up, beyond parody?

Yes – it is all of those things – and more besides. But certainly ‘beyond parody’. Not even the TV comedy program “Yes, Minister” envisaged such disgusting subversion of public accountability.

Let alone in order to conceal child abuse.

And in what is a quite staggering illustration of just what it is Jersey has come to – even though the facts have been well-documented for some time in official circles, if not in public until now, the oligarchy keeps in employment certain of the civil servants responsible for these criminal acts, for example, Bill Ogley and Marnie Baudains – amongst others.

And, on the other hand – continues to oppress me.

But what of that file note – written by the Chief Constable of Jersey’s police, Graham Power – in July 2007?

Mr. Power has always been a consummate professional, not given to just handing out official documents. After I raised the initial complaint, he quite properly informed me of the existence of the evidence – but made it clear it could only be made available as part of some form of official investigation or process. A decision I fully respected.

So although I’ve been aware of the document’s existence – I didn’t have a copy.

Until about a week ago.

I don’t know where this copy came from – but there are several copies in existence. I know this – because the note was a part of the evidence I required for disclosure from the prosecution, in connection with my abuse of process application.

The file note is highly relevant evidence – in that it goes powerfully to the proof of a criminal conspiracy against me – and to the proof of an extreme and lawless culture of concealment in public administration – thus justifying my resort to unorthodox methods – to expose information in the public interest.

In response to my request for this – and most of the other evidence, actually, to be disclosed, Advocate Stephen Baker – formerly of 7 Bedford Row – and formerly of the AG’s office - lied to the court – committed straightforward perjury – in asserting it “was not relevant”.

Therefore – it was not officially disclosed to me.

But – as is often the way with such things – I’ve obtained it anyway.

I’m going to reproduce it in its entirety – so readers will be able to see just how toxic, unaccountable and out of control Jersey’s civil service is – and why the Jersey oligarchy just couldn’t tolerate a good, straight cop like Graham Power.

But in particular, I draw readers’ attention to this paragraph:

“BO and the others were persistent and I was left with the clear impression that they were attempting to draw me, in my capacity as Chief of Police, into a civil service led attempt to remove a Minister from Office.”

Here is Graham Power’s file note in full.

“Note book entry made of 25th July, 2007

16.00. I am at HQ having just returned from a meeting of the CMB (Corporate Management Board.) During the meeting BO (Bill Ogley) said that he would wish some of us to remain afterwards to discuss the comments of the Health Minister Senator Syvret in relation to child protection issues. He told the full meeting that it was possible that the COM (Council of Ministers) would pass a notice of “no confidence” tomorrow and ask this to be confirmed by a full meeting of the States specially convened for that purpose. This would result in Senator Syvret having to leave Office. It was also mentioned that the island’s Child Protection Committee (C.P.C) was meeting that afternoon and I was asked if we would be represented. I got the impression that those present saw that meeting as particularly significant, and felt that “something was going on” which others knew about but I did not.

I said that I did not know about the meeting (I would not usually know) and that I assumed Insp. Fossey (Detective Inspector Alison Fossey) who BO knows and we both referred to as “Alison” would be representing the force.

After the meeting, myself, TMcK (Tom McKeon, Chief Officer Education, Sport & Culture) and MP (Mike Pollard, Chief Officer, Health & Social Services) and Ian C (Ian Crich, Director, States HR Department) remained behind. I was handed a copy of a report to Ministers and associated papers, which I have stamped and initialled. The discussion was led by BO who disclosed that the C.P.C would, this afternoon be discussing a vote of no confidence in the Minister. MP and TMcK did not seem surprised at this. MP seemed to be fully signed up to this course of action.

Attempts were made by BO to draw me into this. I was told that my people were “part of” the island’s arrangements and I should show collective support by opposing the criticism made by the Minister. I was taken aback by this but responded in two ways. Firstly I said leaving aside issues of style and manner the questions raised by the Minister were valid. Particularly in respect of the time it had taken for the abuse of a [child] in [a] case to come to the notice of the police and the apparent failure of child protection to give it priority. I said that the SCR (Serious Case Review) was a poor effort which missed the hard questions and I was not surprised that the Minister was not impressed. I conceded that all of the questions might have answers, I just thought they were good questions and ones which a Minister could validly ask. There was also some discussion of the Victoria College and Holland cases which was not central to the issue.

BO and the others were persistent and I was left with the clear impression that they were attempting to draw me, in my capacity as Chief of Police, into a civil service led attempt to remove a Minister from Office.

Having concluded this I then moved on to my second point which was that even if I agreed with everything they said I would still have nothing to do with it. They were engaging in what I saw as political activity and it was entirely inappropriate that I should be involved one way or the other. The fact that “I will have nothing to do with this” was made clearly. At this point BO said “in that case, goodbye”, or something very similar. I picked up my papers. There was no bad feeling or bad words, we just disagreed. As soon as I was outside I rang SDV (Shaun Du Val, Head of Operations) and alerted him to the possible problems at the C.P.C. AF rang me not long afterwards and told me that she had abstained. I told her to put this beyond all doubt by a follow-up e-mail to the Chair. I made this notebook entry then walked over to Ops for it to be timed in the relevant machine.

Graham Power, 16.39, Wed. 25th July 2007.”

Now go to my archive – and read the blog posting of the 5th October. Read the detailed chronology there; consider the quoted Articles of the Children (Jersey) Law 2002 – which the very civil servants you pay to protect children – were breaking, in order to protect themselves.

Contemplate the straightforward, breathtaking lies of Bill Ogley as quoted in that posting – and then ask yourself a few simple questions:

How come Graham Power is suspended – and Bill Ogley is still in post - and just what does that say about public administration in Jersey?

And, how come the civil servants, against whom there is plainly a highly evidenced case, have not been prosecuted, following my formal complaints of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and misconduct in a public office?

And – did a certain UK law chambers – 7 Bedford Row – have anything to do with the decision not to prosecute?

Well – prosecutions or no prosecutions – Bill Ogley and Marnie Baudains - both must resign immediately - or be sacked.

In light of the evidence above, it simply isn’t possible for the States to continue to employ them – and be regarded as a credible administration.

And - as if that episode were not a damming and disgusting enough scandal – we have two more to consider.

Let us now turn to the failure of the 1999 investigation of ‘Nurse M’ – and the frankly lawless, last-minute attempts to prevent me from running my public interest disclosure defence.

I won’t recount many of the facts relevant to this particular episode, as I’ve already written about them in detail several times before.

But in any event – there is no need for me to go into huge detail concerning the oligarchy’s attempts to convict me for exposing the Nurse M case – because the facts are simple.

Barking Bill Bailhache had me raided and arrested by a squad of ten cops – ostensibly for the supposed “offence” of publishing a 1999 police report into the activities of Nurse M.

Bailhache and the rest of the authorities being adamant that Nurse M was innocent, really a nice chap – and they knew this because he had been thoroughly and comprehensively investigated at the time, and there was no need to charge and prosecute him for murder.

My argument being that no, he was not, in fact, investigated anything like adequately at the time, that he was, in fact, dangerous and therefore it was a statutory public interest disclosure – the ‘official’ systems having all failed.

The prosecution did not accept my public interest disclosure argument – but, nevertheless, accepted that I had the right to run such an argument in court. To that end, the prosecution – eventually – after a considerable period of time – disclosed to me significant amounts of evidence relevant to the 1999 investigation and the activities of Nurse M.

And whilst Advocate Stephen Baker was making millions at tax-payers’ expense in the course of the summer – having been employed by his friend Bill Bailhache to defend the drug gangster Curtis Warren – I, having been denied effective legal representation, set about studying the 1999 evidence myself – with the voluntary assistance of a clinical expert.

The months passed – and gradually the trial date approached. And then, at one of the interminable ‘directions hearings’, and a few days after receiving the expert witness reports of the clinician helping me – Baker – with no prior warning, announced in court – with the apparent approval of the judge, Bridget Shaw, that, actually, they had suddenly decided that my public interest disclosure defence was “no longer admissible”. This – after months of defence work – and a few weeks before trial.

No respectable court in Western Europe would have even entertained such an application. Nor, frankly, would any self-respecting prosecuting lawyer have had the nerve to attempt such a complete and lawless abandonment of due process.

However – this is Jersey – and that was Stephen Baker, of Baker Platt – formerly of the Jersey Attorney General’s Office – and formerly of 7 Bedford Row; a history we shall return to later in this post.

Why did Baker and his Jersey oligarchy friends and pay-masters attempt such a thing?

They did it – because they’d lost. And they knew it.

They simply had no remotely plausible or credible answer to the expert, clinical analysis of the evidence. Their case had collapsed.

The public interest disclosure defence in this case works like this; if I can prove flaws in the original investigation – or even deliberate malfeasance – or I can prove that the individual in question – ‘Nurse M’ – remains a danger to vulnerable people – then that’s the public interest argument – won.

I could quote all kinds of detail from the expert clinical reports, but I won’t – because I don’t need to. Instead I’ll quote from a July 2009 report by the Metropolitan Police – who, as part of my prosecution, were asked by the Jersey police to review the 1999 investigation.

The report is, in many ways, a strange document in its attempts to make excuses for the clear defects in the 1999 investigation. But there is – ultimately – a ‘bottom line’ to the recent Met report.

It is this:

“4.5.11 Recommendation

It is recommended that the States of Jersey Police carry out an up-to-date risk assessment of the activities of [Nurse M] with a view to prevention of offences against vulnerable members of the Jersey community.”

That is – the prosecution case – destroyed.

In that one paragraph.

It is quite scandalous enough, that the Jersey oligarchy were so desperate to harass and silence me, they used this case as the basis for an unlawful arrest, imprisonment and property search – without a search warrant.

Even more scandalous – that when the utter folly of their absurd charges gets exposed – they seek to unlawfully prevent my defence case from being heard.

But, transcending those malfeasances – is the fact that here is a man who is plainly a profound danger to vulnerable members of the community – allowed to go unpunished – and to carry on as a registered nurse – because people like the then Attorney General, Michael Birt – formerly of 7 Bedford Row – and then Crown Advocate Cyril Whelan – now of Baker Platt – were either too incompetent – or politically unwilling – to see the case through to charging and prosecution.

And so non-functioning is democracy in Jersey – and so corrupted is the administration of justice – that I, an elected representative of the people, can be unlawfully arrested and maliciously prosecuted and be denied legal representation – by a coterie of lawyers who appear to be little more than a club of friends – milking tax-payers of money – and abusing the justice apparatus to further their own political and personal ends – not least attempting to hide the fact that their friends and colleagues allowed Jersey to be exposed to a potential serial killer.

In any self-respecting democracy, it wouldn’t only be immediate resignation these people would be facing – it would be arrest.

So – why, then – given the straightforward lawlessness and anti-democratic corruption evidenced above – don’t Jersey’s law Officers – those appointed by London – in the good name of the Crown - in order to protect us from the bad guys by prosecuting them – carry out their duty?

Which brings me to the third fatal blow to the credibility of the position of the Jersey oligarchy.

And this third scandal relates so closely to the first two – that it succeeds in explaining them.

It can be summarised thus:

7 Bedford Row.

Jersey has no independent Director of Public Prosecutions. The island has no Crown Prosecution Service that works solely on prosecutions. Indeed – in Jersey, it isn’t even possible to bring private prosecutions.

There is one, sole, prosecutory authority in Jersey – the island’s London appointed Attorney General.

And, until a few weeks ago – until he was promoted – Jersey’s Attorney General was William – ‘Barking Bill’ – Bailhache. Brother of recently retired ‘Bailiff’, Sir Philip Bailhache.

So during the last two-and-a-half years of police investigation into historic child abuse, the prosecutory, legal oversight of those investigations has been controlled by Bill Bailhache – and, ultimately, the final decisions as to whether to prosecute - were his.

But the Jersey Attorney General is not only responsible for prosecutions.

The Attorney General is also an unelected member of the island's legislature, who possesses a variety of highly conflicted roles and powers.

Whilst not possessing the right to vote in the House, the post-holder can, and frequently does, make political speeches designed to influence the outcome of votes in the legislature. He is also the principle ‘legal advisor’ to the States assembly. In addition, he is also principle ‘legal adviser’ to the States executive function.

The post-holder also has an automatic right to attend meetings of the Jersey cabinet, the Council of Ministers, where he participates in discussions and gives ‘legal advice’. This in addition to having an automatic right of attendance at the privileges body of the Jersey legislature, the Privileges and Procedures Committee.

And if that were not conflict enough - the post-holder is also the overall head of all 12 of the parish honorary police forces.

The Jersey Attorney General therefore possesses an extraordinary and highly conflicted range of powers – which include political, legal, policing and prosecutory powers.

The very clear ‘traditional’ approach of Jersey Attorneys General has been to avoid prosecuting cases that are embarrassing, problematic, expensive or politically damaging for the local oligarchy. Certainly, that approach was very well-evidenced on the part of Bill Bailhache’s’ predecessor, Michael Birt – as can be seen from the cases of the toxic waste dumping, the child abuse committed by the McGuires, the child-abuse cover-up at Victoria College and the serial killings committed by Nurse M.

Quite obviously – from the very get-go – the prospect of a substantial number of prosecutions for child abuse – and the concealing of child abuse - often in cases involving States employees and well-connected individuals – and cases that had been known to the authorities for years, without action being taken – was going to be devastatingly problematic for the Jersey oligarchy.

All those survivors, all that evidence, all those abusers – and all those cover-ups – over all those decades.

Plainly – if there were ever a set of cases that “required” the Jersey oligarchy to seriously mobilise in self-defensive cover-up mode – this was it.

But – too brazen and obvious – even for Barking Bill, surely, to simply take the customary non-prosecution decisions?


Instead he would have to employ “independent” lawyers to oversee, thoroughly review, and provide opinions upon, each of the potential prosecutions.

In fact, these lawyers would need to be so “independent” they would have to be based in the United Kingdom.

You know?

To make absolutely certain they were disinterested in the cases – and could therefore be regarded as providing an objective opinion?

Now – just how difficult do we think it was for Barking Bill and the rest of the Jersey oligarchy to identify a suitable legal firm - or set of 'chambers', to be pedantic?

One that matched perfectly the requirements of the client?

Which – in this case – meant giving every cosmetic appearance of having supplied an independent and objective opinion on the merits of each potential prosecution – but, also providing the client with exactly the “opinion” they needed?

The required “opinion” being, of course, that there was “insufficient” merit in 95% of the cases to mount prosecutions?

Well – Bill Bailhache and Mick Birt didn’t have to look too hard.

For some reason, they alighted upon the chambers of: -

“7 Bedford Row”.

And, indeed, it’s a very impressive looking outfit – judging from their website.

Lots and lots of terribly learned individuals – with very impressive CV’s.

And some most fascinating case-work on those CVs.

But – oh dear, boys and girls - I fear you’ve grown far too used to keeping very bad company.

I dare say that 7 Bedford Row and its Partners and Associates – and it’s “Door tenants” (hello Stephen) – are all legal masterminds, but – alas – the law – and politics – are not always the same thing – and don’t always mix successfully.

I begin to wonder whether 7 Bedford Row might not have just found itself ‘on the wrong side’. (Look, I know there is no ‘wrong side’ from a lawyer’s perspective, as long as that side is paying, but work with me on this.)

Indeed , so much so, the very name ‘7 Bedford Row’ could go down in legal firm infamy.

Let us take a closer look – at these “independent” chambers – employed by the Jersey oligarchy – to provide “independent” “opinions” on whether to prosecute the child abusers.

A little brief research reveals the following.

7 Bedford Row have extremely close and sustained professional relationships with Jersey’s Attorney General’s Office.

Each year the outfit and/or its partners receive astronomical sums of money in fees from Jersey’s Law Officers’ department – thus destroying any pretence to objectivity and “independence” claimed for the chambers.

How old is the connection with 7 Bedford Row?

How close can you get?

Michael Birt worked at the partnership of 7 Bedford Row – and to this day can be seen regularly dinning (at tax-payers’ expense) with David Farrer, the present head of chambers at 7 Bedford Row.

Guess who else used to work at 7 Bedford Row?

Why – none other than my old friend, Stephen Baker – who left those chambers to take up a full-time post in – this is getting too easy isn’t it – Jersey’s AG’s office – until he had qualified as a Jersey Advocate, then he left, and founded his own practice – Baker Platt.

And – so “independent” are all these arrangements – that another former employee of the AG’s office – Cyril Whelan – left in 2006 – to go and work for – Baker Platt.

And – (you know, this is getting like Friends Reunited) – guess who – along with Mick Birt – played an instrumental role in abandoning the murder investigation of Nurse M – back in 1999?

You know?

When he was a Crown Advocate?

Why, Cyril Whelan, of course.

I’m sure Advocate Whelan has been able to advise Advocate Baker most thoroughly in respect of the latter’s prosecution of me for exposing the serial killer, Nurse M.

I’m sure such a learned fellow as Advocate Whelan must remember aspects of the investigation, some of which are so startling, one couldn’t, surely, forget?

For example, this observation from the investigation team minutes, made by Detective Chief Inspector McGrath:

“I advised that the UKCC (Nurses Governing Body) were aware of the [minor] charges we had preferred against [Nurse M] but were not aware of the inquiry we had conducted concerning the suspicion that he might have brought about the premature death of patients, albeit patients who were in any event terminally ill.”

You see, Cyril – that really isn’t the kind of thing one forgets – is it?

Where you have a major investigation into a nurse who may well be a serial killer – and you don’t inform the professional governing body of that fact?

And surely a euphemism such as “brought about the premature death of patients” – must stick in the mind?

“Bringing about premature deaths”?

I think you’ll find most people refer to “bringing about premature death” – as “killing”.

And I think you will also find – if you check – that even people who are “in any event albeit terminally ill” - still have a right to live their last 12 months – without being murdered.

But – I digress.

Back to our “independent” extended family of lawyers.

When Advocate Whelan left the Attorney General’s office – to go and work in Baker Platt in 2006, a new lawyer was brought in to replace him, one Howard Sharp.

Do we know where Mr. Sharp came from? Yes we do!

7 Bedford Row.

What may be a little less known is where Mr. Sharp is going – which is widely rumoured to be the post of Solicitor General – much to the annoyance of several Jersey lawyers.

I think we’ve established – quite categorically – that – in no way, shape or form – can 7 Bedford Row be credibly termed “independent” of the Jersey Attorney General’s Office.

A veritable Amazon-flow of fees – Jersey tax-payers money – goes to 7 Bedford Row each year – and those who tire of the - err – taxation environment of London appear to have ready-made career opportunities in Jersey – via an ever-welcoming door in the Attorney General’s Office.

But – our familiarisation with this legal fraternity has scarcely begun.

Another alumni of 7 Bedford Row is one Mathew Jowitt – who left those chambers to work in – Jersey’s AG’s Office. However, his time there had to be cut, unfortunately, short because of his role in the illegal aspects of the Curtis Warren case, which saw the AG’s office authorising illegal actions in France and Belgium.

Illegal actions Bill Bailhache was - oh so very neatly – able to blame the police for – even though his Office authorised it.

But, when a chap has to make a sacrifice – as Jowitt did – a chap must be rewarded – so he has been appointed Crown Advocate in an on-going prosecution – the investigations for which are under the control and oversight of - David Farrer and Anwar Nashashibi – both of - 7 Bedford Row.

In all seriousness – I pause at this point to ask readers – perhaps especially those who usually disagree with me – to consider rationally – and in all decency – whether - for one instant – the non-prosecution decisions concerning the child abuse cases can be regarded as safe and credible?

Even vaguely?

The so-called “independent” UK-based legal chambers – which have provided William Bailhache with the “opinions” and excuses he required to avoid prosecuting at least nineteen cases of child abuse – are – in fact – extraordinarily closely linked with the Jersey AG’s office – appear to be almost a part of the same “firm” – serve as a career ‘feeder’ into Jersey law - and gather what may well be millions of pounds in fees each year from Jersey tax-payers.

Fees that would not accrue – if the chambers – 7 Bedford Row – were to fall out of favour with the Jersey oligarchy.

And what appears to be the dramatic dependency of 7 Bedford Row upon fees received from Jersey does not stop at the cases I’ve referred to so far.

Let me just touch briefly upon a few further examples – quoted in Partners’ CVs on the web site of 7 Bedford Row.

Anwar Nashashibi: -

“Instructed by the Attorney General of Jersey to investigate a Kenyan public official for corruption and money laundering worth millions of pounds;”

“AG of Jersey v Michel and Gallichan. Instructed by the Attorney General of Jersey to investigate and prosecute a financial services provider for multi-million pound tax evasion and money laundering. This was Jersey’s most extensive, complex and high-profile prosecution for a financial crime;”

Conor Dufficy: -

“Conor has a broad international business experience from his prior career and has spent a large part of his career at the bar working on civil fraud and trust cases in Jersey.”

Craig Carr: -

“Craig specialises in civil and criminal fraud, financial crime and regulation. He is currently instructed in the largest criminal fraud in Jersey having previously been instructed in a multi jurisdictional commercial trust dispute.”

“AG of Jersey v Bhojwani: trial concerning allegations of laundering US$ 43.9 million through Jersey.”

David O'Mahony: -

“He has worked with Bakerplatt - our 7 Bedford Row Alliance partner - in a number of cases involving civil claims by foreign governments for the return of allegedly misappropriated monies and on a multimillion dollar constructive trust action involving the proceeds of a hedge fund.”

“Re Abacha: Responsible for day-to-day management of Jersey Attorney General's investigation into Abacha's money laundering. “AG of Jersey v Bagudu: (Abacha's chief money launderer), US$ 320 million prosecution, and appeared for the Attorney General for Jersey in extradition proceedings.”

Nicholas Dean QC: -

“Operation Tetley (2001- 2003): a Jersey based investigation into “commission” payments by defence contactors.”

Jonathan Bertram: -

“In 2008 he was instructed by the Attorney General of Jersey, via Baker Platt to act as junior counsel to assist in the preparation of and disclosure in the prosecutions arising from the Jersey Historic Abuse enquiry “Haut de la Garenne”.

He has experience of cases concerning allegations of breaches of financial regulations and allegations of fraud, primarily obtained from his occasional practice in Jersey with Baker Platt.”

Nigel Povoas: -

“In Jersey, he has advised on multi-jurisdictional financial issues and has been regularly instructed in an advisory capacity by the Attorney General of Jersey.”

David Farrer QC: -

“AG of Jersey v Michel & Gallichan [2001-2007]: a multi-million pound money laundering by a trust and corporate services provider.”

Steven Gray: -

“Durant International and others v Attorney General of Jersey [2006] - Instructed to assist the Attorney General of Jersey in judicial review proceedings regarding a decision to disclose information pursuant to letters of request from an overseas jurisdiction. The letters of request concerned alleged political corruption in the context of large-scale construction contracts. Attorney General successful at first instance and in the Court of Appeal.”

Simon Thomas: -

“Simon has also worked closely with Bakerplatt and the Attorney General’s department in Jersey where he has been involved in financial crime cases with an international element, again, both prosecuting and defending. Work in offshore financial centres comprises a significant part of Simon’s practice.”

Collingwood Thompson QC: -

“Recently, Collingwood has been advising the Attorney General of Jersey on two large scale corruption and money laundering cases. The first concerned the ex-mayor of Sao Paulo in Brazil and the second (which is on-going), relates to relatives and associates of the late general Abacha of Nigeria. Both cases involve sums in excess of $250 million.”

Tom Elmer: -

“Instructed by the Attorney General of Jersey to assist in the investigation of an international money laundering case.”

And so it goes on.

And if those links to the Barristers of 7 Bedford Row were not enough – consider what are termed the “Door tenants”.

Stephan Baker – the Advocate who has committed at least 4 straightforward acts of perjury in his prosecution of me. Ex-Bedford Row; ex-Jersey AG’s Office; now of Baker Platt.

Cyril Whelan – ex-Jersey AG’s Office – now Baker Platt.

Howard Sharp – ex-7 Bedford Row, presently Jersey AG’s Office, and widely tipped to become next Jersey Solicitor General, if the poor treatment meted out to the Jersey based applicants is any gauge.

To the best of my knowledge – you would be very, very hard-put to find any major legal case in Jersey from the last decade - in which 7 Bedford Row have not played a significant, or the major, role.

So this is the source of the soi disant “independent” legal advice and opinion – that the Jersey abuse survivors, the island’s population – and the world – are supposed to accept as credible grounds for not prosecuting nearly all the Jersey child abuse cases?

Cases that would have been immensely damaging and problematic for the Jersey oligarchy – and its leaders – such as Michael Birt and William Bailhache?

7 Bedford Row, as an entity, clearly has a stranglehold over the Jersey Law Officers’ department - and its Barristers are plainly drawing mind-boggling amounts of money from Jersey tax-payers for case-work – not to mention the, no doubt, huge fees or retainers paid to members of these chambers in an advisory role to the Jersey AG.

Just how many Jersey cases has 7 Bedford Row been involved in?

Over what period of time?

Who, as individual lawyers, have been involved?

What “advisory” services have been provided by members of these chambers?

What have been the individual case-fees?

What is the total sum of money to date – spent by Jersey tax-payers on employing the lawyers of 7 Bedford Row and associates?

What is the likely value of future “business” from Jersey?

Have all business transactions between the States of Jersey and 7 Bedford Row been fully compliant with the Public Finances Law?

Given the immense sums of money flowing from Jersey tax-payers to 7 Bedford Row and its various members – and the residency and career doorway into Jersey provided by the Attorney General’s Office – and the extremely cosy and mutually beneficial relationship with private practice in Jersey – such as that of Baker Platt – can the “work” of 7 Bedford Row be regarded as objective, impartial - and safe?

The answer to that last question is no – of course it cannot be regarded – for one instant – as safe.

Plainly – what has been unmasked here is a profoundly toxic and deeply unhealthy relationship.

A set of financial and personal conflicts of interest so brazen and extreme – every prosecution decision advised upon by anyone involved with 7 Bedford Row must now be discarded.

All of the cases reported by the police in the course of the historic child abuse investigation must be re-opened.

But – who could oversee and determine such a necessary exercise? Certainly no one involved with Jersey’s Law Officers’ department.

What we see evidenced above, represents nothing less than the stark reality of a breakdown in good governance, the rule of law and good administration of justice.

The very circumstances in which London has both the power – and the duty – to intervene.

But – for mystifying reasons – London always seems reluctant to do so.

Perhaps Whitehall retain 7 Bedford Row too?

And that’s not even a joke.

But – the circumstances for intervention could be far easier for London this time.Let’s face it – when your two most recent and senior Crown appointees in Jersey – Bailiff Michael Birt – and Deputy Bailiff William Bailhache – both have to announce their resignation during the coming weeks – it furnishes you with an ideal opportunity to finally clean the stables.

But – no matter that the Jersey oligarchs and their crooked regime will probably continue to enjoy the inexplicable and mind-boggling protections of London and the FACAWs – what cannot be protected any longer – because it is smashed forever – destroyed by citizen media – and our ability to share the evidence above – is the “reputation” of these clowns and their institutions.

Henceforward – there will be no hiding from, nor escaping the fact that whenever London supports and protects the Jersey oligarchy – actually – all that is being supported, in truth, is a small claque of self-interested, dangerous and frankly inadequate individuals – who are nothing more than a stain upon the good name of the Crown.

Serial killers – not prosecuted.

Child abusers – not prosecuted.

Concealers of child abuse – not prosecuted.

Criminal conspiracies against child protection – not prosecuted.

Corrupt civil servants – not prosecuted.

Bent judges and Crown Advocates – not prosecuted.

Criminal conspiracies by civil servants against democracy – not prosecuted.

The Jersey oligarchy – and its protectors: rotten, twisted, stagnant and decadent.

Given lawyers feature so heavily in this posting, it seems apposite to finish with some Latin:

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Merry Christmas.



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Jill Gracia said...

Just read through this, and I am so angry I'm shaking!

Explains so very much.


Anonymous said...

Stuart, given this posting's length, some (me for example) may find it easier to read in the link to this blog posting, Look into the Microcosm, in PDF

Anonymous said...

Nice one Stuart. That's just what was needed a clear definitive evidenced documentation in one bite.

Now what happens? A page in the Telegraph would cause some museli spitting I reckon.

As far as the JEP goes I can see the headline now.

'Syvret makes unseasonal mistake... he put two 's' on Christmas in a clear affront to all Jersey people'

Oxygen of publicity is the game from now on I reckon .

Anonymous said...

Well, he's not shut up, but put up!!!

Over to you TLS.....

Great post Stuart.

Anonymous said...

To try to add some ballance to this would one of the anti-Stuart readers of this blog (of which we know there are many) please put forward a reasoned argument as to why the decent people of Jersey should not be very concerned about the content of this latest post

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Lenny asked me to post this comment as he's having computer difficulties.

"Interesting to see Stuart, the comments alongside the name of Simon Thomas of those chambers. He was of course the “independent” and “very experienced in child abuse” lawyer appointed by the Attorney General to work alongside my team. Readers of this blog may recall the battle I had to fight as the AG wanted Mr Thomas placed in our Enquiry Office and to have access to all of our raw evidence and intelligence so that he could “make informed decisions at an early stage.” I resisted this by pointing out that he was a member of the same legal establishment against whom many of the complaints of cover up were directed. I pointed out that to place him in such a sensitive position with access to all information and intelligence that we received, would severely damage our credibility with victims and witnesses. Many, many, e mails are in existence detailing the efforts of the AG to over-rule me and to get Mr Thomas in our office as this “is the way the CPS operate in the UK.” Under severe pressure I had to agree to him having an office at Police Headquarters. We found it even then difficult to get hold of him as he seemed to spend much of his time in the UK. Certainly files, even simple ones, but most notably the Maguires, seemed to take an awful long time to be read and a decision given. (I was still waiting on the Maguires decision when I retired!) You may also recall that after he changed his mind about charging the couple who liked to hit children with cricket bats he and I had that conversation with me in Jersey, and him on the platform of a railway station in the UK. You will be aware that he denied any influence by the AG or any Jersey sources in the process which led to changing his mind. He seemed to suggest that he in fact had not changed his mind even though the couple were in custody and we had agreed to arrest only after getting his go ahead. I was warned that if I continued to repeat these matters his chambers would sue me. It was this decision which led to me issuing the Press Release in which I made it clear the decision to release the couple was against my wishes following which the AG demanded a report from me as to why I had issued the said Press Release. When I completed the report listing what I saw as the shortcomings in the service we had received from the Prosecuting Authorities and it found its way into the media, David Warcup instigated an investigation against you and I by Sussex Police under the Data Protection Act. (Whatever happened to that investigation?) Certainly, whilst I could see Mr Thomas’s obvious qualities, (particularly in Financial Crime investigations), wide experience in Child Abuse was not one of them.
Your comment about the AG being head of the Honorary Police may help explain to readers one other strange set of coincidences which I experienced and which I have related previously. In the five years before the Historic Abuse enquiry I was stopped by the HP on only one occasion. Shortly after the enquiry started I was stopped several times on spurious grounds. The ‘stops’ did not occur when I swopped to my wife’s car, but restarted when I reverted again to my own. On one occasion the person stopping me made an untrue and malicious allegation which the AG took no time in bringing to my attention and suggested I apologise and that I had damaged confidence in professional policing among the HP. When I supplied the true facts along with the details of the series of stops and followed it up with a letter and e mails making a formal complaint, all correspondence about the matter stopped. I still await the courtesy of a reply to any of the letters or e mails I sent to the AG about the matter."


Proud Survivor said...

Bravo Stuart. This is a well-considered and finely crafted posting and it seems to shine a purifying light into every dirty crack and crevice of the filthy maze that is the current Jersey "Government".

There are good people who have been elected too but they are powerless against the seething cauldron of intrigue and corruption which in the final analysis is all about wealth and power.

I shall be forwarding this blog to everyone in my address book! Can't gey the PDF link to work - can anyone help?

Stuart I wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas and a very different New Year!


Anonymous said...

Surely but surely the beginning of the end.

donchais said...

Truly disturbing, but it all gets less and less surprisingly.

I don't have to tell your readers what my holiday wish for Jersey is!

Anonymous said...

Please can we have a list of all the cases where these Lawyers have been used as "Independent" advisor's by the States of Jersey.

It may shed some light on some other controversial decisions.

Anonymous said...


Congratulations on having been able to make this breakthrough. It will make very many people satisfied that you have the knowledge to support the allegations made so far.

Knowledge is power!

As I live in Sussex I am happy to enquire of Sussex Police what was the outcome of their investigation. What excuses will their professional standards department come up with do you think? Tee hee!

What appears to need some further investigation is the law firm in 7 Bedford Row with what some might see as incestuous links to the Jersey "mob". Any investigative journalist up to it?

It would be interesting to know if any of them take advantage of the Jersey offshore banking system. Tax evasion anyone? It would seem that the UK HM Revenue and Customs could find it worthwhile to look at these, closely.

Another matter which would be helpful is what Lodges their members are in. I will get a friend to try and identify these as he has Lodge books for the UK. I will get back to you on this.

Qui custodiet ipsos custodes?

I hope that you have a brilliant 2010. In 2009 you have come a long way, a bit further to go.


Rob Kent said...

Very interesting post, Stuart.

I don't suppose any of your critics will now accuse you of bullying poor defenceless States employees.

Shouldn't some other Jersey politicians be asking why Jersey seems to rely exclusively on this particular legal practice and why the contract is not put out to competitive tender? I wonder how much Jersey tax payers money has gone their way in recent years and how many favours have been returned?

And you are absolutely right: any decision that they have made with regard to prosecuting child abuse suspects should be looked at again by someone truly independent.

Anonymous said...

Mr Chapman.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!

Anonymous said...

Am I allowed to say "wow, what a damning post of "them" ?

Keep the faith Stuart.

p.s. the Beano the other night was purporting that it is read by 75% of the population in an attempt to garner more advertising from companies. The small print mentioned that this figure was actually from 2007. Too lazy to get more up to date figures or too scared...?
Answers on a postcard please .... :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't insult the real Beano! It has brought joy and likeable characters to millions. Lenny Harper

voiceforchildren said...


This posting, along with Lenny's comments is absolutely damming towards our "juducial" system.

One could not find a more conflicted law firm than 7 Bedford Row if they tried. Surely for the sake of any kind of justice, the "dropped" child abuse cases must be re-opened?

This is yet another posting that deserves to be Headline News, how much of it do you think will be broadcast/published by our local "accredited" media?

Serious questions need answering by Birt and the "Chuckle Brothers", along with Baker and co.

Do you know one of the sorriest thing about all this? Not one question will be asked by our elected "representatives" in the States.

Going to listen to the Bridget Bullsh1t Corporation "news" now, to see what their Headline "news" story is.

Linda Corby said...

Hi Stuart,

It is sad but none of this surprises me in the least, cracker of a blog post eye opener for anyone who has not had to face the corruption in the island though.

As I said, when are you organizing a refugee boat to Australia for those of us who cannot afford to escape any other way? Lol.

I wonder how many tax exiles realize that if their children do not conform to 'the Jersey Way' that they will be dumped on from a great height and probably end up in States Housing, especially if a States Member decides to pick on them, they could be lucky like us and win their case against the States Member, but heck is it really winning to win a case and loose your home getting damages of a single coin?

Justice really doesn't exist in Jersey, I have heard Department officials lie in court and the judge say that an official of a States Department would not lie, with the evidence of the lie stuck up their left and right nostrils, disgusting just doesn't cover it!

Also far to many cases are held behind closed doors and constantly the tail is wagging the dog!

Have a happy Christmas and a great New year one and all, Linda

Anonymous said...

More fakery on the Filth Site - foreign minister topic :

"Jill Garcia"
Oh forget syvret as having any part of our government he is history!

As if Jill would write that! About time someone sued them for misrepresentation or some kind of Data Protection offence :)

Anonymous said...

One actual clarification on what you say, Stuart, and some information about how ministers in England seek legal advice from the private sector.

The clarification is that 7 Bedford Row is not a 'firm' or a 'partnership'. It is a 'set' of barristers' chambers. The difference is this: in a partnership (solicitors' firms in England and law firms in Jersey are normally partnerships), profits/losses are shared out between everyone in the partnership. Barristers however operate as self-employed individual practitioners. Although they work from chambers, sharing the services of clerks and the cost of overheads, each individual keeps the fees he or she brings in.

It's quite normal in England for two members of a barristers' chambers to be on opposing sides in a case. This isn't regarded as causing any conflict of interest as each barrister operates independently of the other and they have no joint interest in the outcome of the case.

You raise questions about how the Law Officers Department in Jersey seeks outside legal advice. It may be helpful to your readers to know about the arrangements which operate in England for government ministers to seek advice from outside the Government Legal Service. The main source of outside advice is the First Treasury Counsel (colloquially called 'the Treasury Devil'), who is a barrister in independent practice who, from his barristers' chambers, is appointed to work exclusively for the Government for a period of several years. One person cannot of course cope with all requests from Government for advice and representation in court, so there are 'panels' of barristers appointed (and these barristers mix government work with other clients'). Set against this background of how things are done in England, the fact that the Jersey Law Officers Department regularly brief barristers from one particular set of chambers may not be that surprising.

Anonymous said...

Stuart, keep up the good work, all the best wishes to you for Christmas and I look forward to reading more of your postings in the New Year.

Anonymous said...

I wonder when the feeble excuses for journos at the Filthy Rag and Bridget Bullshot Corp. will finally realise what a stench pervades their management and the upper echelons of island society?

Anonymous said...

I believe that the following words expressed by Samuel Adams, reflect the sentiments of most of your supporters Stuart! It could almost have been written with Jersey in mind!

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.

We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands, which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

(speech by Samuel Adams at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776)

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government."

Joyeux Noël from across the Channel

TonyTheProf said...

More solid documentation. Good.

rico sorda said...

Hi Stuart

That is just staggering what a post.

It has put even more fire in my belly i will not stop looking for answers.

I have said it before and i will say it again

Jersey is a stinking cess pitt of sh*t

Just brilliant stuart but the cost to yourself the abuse survivors lenny and graham has been huge.


Anonymous said...

Did this legal firm have anything to do with the Case of the Police officer in the car crash at St Clements?

Anonymous said...

At last, no sarcasm, no innuendo, no quasi 'wit', no judge and jury.

Just facts, evidence, issues and reason.

Stick with this line Stuart, it's better.

Anonymous said...

‘My people’, I assume Bill Ogley was referring to the police force, yes! Arrangements, some code word for ‘bending to their will’ I guess. Opposing criticism!!!!!!

Wow, so I assume that Weirdcop & Grumpwell have fallen into line as ‘part of’ the arrangements!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Advocate Cyril Whelan sitting on the newly appointed panel doing the review looking into the roles of the Bailiff, AG and SG in the States?

The brass neck of the man.

I wonder what his impartial, independent conclusions are going to be?

He's made a mockary of the review before it has even began!

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Yes, 7 Bedford Row are a set of chambers, as you say.

But the fact remains - a set of chambers who's occupants have a profoundly excessive, direct and sustained 'client' relationship with the Jersey Crown Officers.

Moreover, a relationship which has persisted for at least a decade.

And nor is the comparison with UK Ministerial practice credible.

In the Jersey context we dealing with - as explained - an Attorney General - who is the sole prosecutory authority - and who is profoundly entangled with half-a-dozen other direct political, quasi-political and quasi-judicial roles.

The questions posed in the posting are valid, concerning just how much business goes to this set of chambers.

And - indeed - I repeat the point - it is far from clear that what has taken place is compliant with the Jersey Public Finances Law.

Certainly, if a Jersey Minister were having to employ so much external support, work, advice - call it what you will - very strict criteria have to be met in respect of advertising the work, tendering, inviting competition etc.

And - there are also very, very clear expectations upon a Minister that he will avoid conflicts of interest, situations that give rise to an appearance of conflict of interest and, generally, that Nolan principles be adhered to.

Given the clear range of personal friendships involved in the arrangements between the Jersey Law Offices, 7 Bedford Row occupants and certain prefered Jersey private sector firms - it is far from clear that those principles have been met.

However - one fact remains above all others.

The decisions on the child abuse cases cannot - remotely - be regarded as safe or valid any longer.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Don't insult the real Beano! It has brought joy and likeable characters to millions. Lenny Harper

Wednesday, 23 December 2009 10:43:00 GMT"

Thank you, I actually burst out loud laughing!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I expect the usual diversionary tactic will be play out in the local media.
ie attack the individual rather than debate the contents of his message.
How long is this game of “Attacking Syvret” going to be played out before the good people of Jersey understand:- “He is not the problem – just the messenger”.

Proud Survivor said...

Anonymous quoted from the unmentionable site: ""Jill Garcia"
Oh forget syvret as having any part of our government he is history!"

As if we would believe it was Jill indeed as her surname is Gracia and I suspect she would get that right! Also Jill Gracia knows how to write English!


Jill Gracia said...

Thank you Lorna - yes indeed I spotted that and asked that it be removed, but it would appear it could not be done!!!
Strange that they can control what goes on to the comments site, but not what comes off!! However I have now put a comment on there that should discredit the first one.
I have also told the RAG that I am known to be 100% behind what Stuart is doing. If and when a time ever came when I was not, I would not be to proud to admit I was wrong. However after todays revelations I am proud to admit it appears we are all right in supporting him.
I wish you all a peaceful and contented Christmas, particularly you Stuart.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that it is far more likely that the children will be further
abused by the care system, Historically 79% of children who came up through the
"Care System" ended up being Sexually Mentally or Physically abused, in many
cases all three.

Anonymous said...

Stuart I am speechless,angry but speechless. Surely all this information cannot be ignored now.I would like to wish you and Lenny a very happy christmas and a very,very happy new year

Pour Les Contres said...

You've very concisely made your case with new & damning evidence.

The world will read & no doubt be troubled by Judicial Fraternities & Civil Service Conspiracies being tolerated in Jersey.

Meanwhile, here on the Island, the local newspaper runs with a front page that portrays Deputy Bailiff Bailhache as a benevolent father caring for abused children & a story of how Jersey's drug dealers can't escape justice.

Even if they hear of this post I am ashamed to say that most people will accept that it is all for the good of the island & that Stuart is going about things the wrong way.

Jersey people & politicians accepted the raid on Stuarts's home , Police Chief Power's suspension, Operation Blast etc. etc..

I don't expect the COM or SEB to do anything at all. Let's face it, they don't need too...

A Merry Christmas to you Stuart. I hope you manage to spend time with family & loved ones.

Anonymous said...

But Staurt, the 7 Bedford Row London WC1R 4BS, UK firm raises money for children in need - says so on their website - doesn't this 'prove' how 'beyond reproach' they are?

Surely this isn't just another tactic these types use to 'put on a show' of being caring, law abiding 'pillars of the community'?

Keep up the good work and take care.

Anonymous said...

"You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know."
— William Wilberforce

Take heed Jersey politicians !

Anonymous said...

This posting was well worth your wait, research and effort.

Your concluding chapter regarding "The Old Boys Club" will need a lot of justifying and answers.

Anonymous said...

My immediate reaction was to email the rag and BBC radio Jersey to ask if they were going to respond to the recent allegations on this blog, and "quelle suprise", as yet no response. Everyone must push the local media to act and report on this. If they don't, they will have to stand side by side in the dock with all the other law breakers, that cannot deny the evidence, we are now seeing exposed.

Anonymous said...

My immediate reaction was to email the rag and BBC radio Jersey to ask if they were going to respond to the recent allegations on this blog, and "quelle suprise", as yet no response. Everyone must push the local media to act and report on this. If they don't, they will have to stand side by side in the dock with all the other law breakers, that cannot deny the evidence, we are now seeing exposed.

I don't think they believe any of it or even want to believe in any of it. Just being straight to the point. I spoke to a JEP reporter earlier in December and they said they do not comment on this blog but strangely they also said they were aware of the kind of material that was on it(?)

voiceforchildren said...

I too have e-mailed Denzil Dudley asking him not to bury this story, and although he has sent me a read reciept he has not replied.

Anonymous said...

Washington Post investigative reporters Woodward and Bernstein, of Watergate fame, were instructed by their most significant inside source (codenamed "Deepthroat") to "Follow the money" - which must be done here. That trail will lead to the END.

Anonymous said...

The local media but be scraching their heads....

They are in trouble if they do.

But more in trouble if they dont?!

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

"Follow the money".

Yes - indeed.

You have either read my mind.

Or you have the same sources as me.

Bil & Co?

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.

The could, indeed, be 'The End'.

To quote Yeats

"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"


Anonymous said...

"Follow the money?" Yes. That even worked to nail the notorious Al Capone, when nothing else could!

Anonymous said...

I don't think they believe any of it or even want to believe in any of it.

What about Jersey Insight or Channel 103?

Anonymous said...

Citizen Media displays for all to see, forever and a day.

No cover ups or lies on Citizen Media.

Otherwise history will and would not be being made on Citizen Media.

Anonymous said...

[I spoke to a JEP reporter earlier in December and they said they do not comment on this blog]

As they did not wish to comment when Lenny Harper published his 16,500+ word detailed response to the peddled rubbish. They needed to know it was his posting (I believe).

However, Chapman, based his report on Stuart's posting on this blog, without establishing whether they were actually posted by him (unless the Data Protection laws were broken and he had access to Stuart's hardrive!!!).

So this blog is reliable enough for Chapman but not for the JEP!!!

There are facts posted on here today that should have been JEP Front Page News. I guess they live in the land of the tooth fairies.

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Yes, the Jersey media?

You couldn't, frankly, be surprised at their ability to chose to collectively ignore major stories - if the story doesn't suit the local oligarchy.

But - yes - the evidenced revelations in this posting, one might imagine, would pose a challenge to even the Jersey media to ignore.

Imagine if the situation was national?

You'd have a senior police officer - revealing that a cabinet Minister was dismissed - following a criminal plot - by Whitehall civil servants - because the Minister had exposed their child protection failures.

What - do we imagine - the national media would make of that?

Ignore it?

Or would it be politically apocalyptic?

Plainly the latter.

Or - how about the murderer?

A politicians exposes a serial killer that the authorities failed to prosecute. The authorities arrest and persecute the politician - claiming the killer was innocent.

The a modern police review of the original investigation - commissioned by the authorities themselves - says of the killer, basically, "Yes, this man's a dangerous nutter who poses a risk to people and you should undertake a new risk-assessment."

Nary a word - do we think - in the national media - if that were a national case - involving, say, the arrest and prosecution of an MP?

No - or course not. The media would be going berserk.

And - as for a national equivalent of 7 Bedord Row-gate - imagine - the DPP being politically motivated - not wanting to embarrass the government - wants lots of "opinions" so he doesn't have to prosecute - and - in the complete absence of any meaningful or effective financial controls - spends millions of pounds of tax-payers money - employing his friends - to say what he wants?

In order to enable many, many child abusers escape justice?

You don't need to be familiar with media imperatives to see that any one of those stories - if transposed to a national level - would be trigger a media feeding-frenzy.

So - what will Jersey's marvelous Fourth Estate do?

They will cross their fingers - keep their heads down over the convenient Christmas period - and hope that everyone has forgotten about it in a few days time.

Want to bet?

And some people think I'm harsh on Jersey's media.


Anonymous said...

And some people think I'm harsh on Jersey's media.


But is this not the real reason they now ignore this blog because the comments on here are hardly diplomatic sometimes against the JEP and its now an irreparable situation?

Anonymous said...

Where ever I travel, journalists gather in certain pubs and press clubs in urban areas, to drink, compare scoops, and to gossip. They also attend various conventions, meetings and press ceremonies, competing for acclaim as investigative reporters.

One can only imagine the outside press corp response to reporters and editors with the blatant kiss-up & suck-up style of those in Jersey.

To read them or hear them even once is to know them!

None of those in Jersey's MSM seem worthy of their puffed up press titles and they now run ample risk of being personally cited as cautionary examples for student journalists elsewhere. They deserve to be so humiliated. They are the scourge of the profession.

Anonymous said...

Reading this new posting (#9) along with Rico's current repost of Lenny Harper's statement on has brought this whole saga into much clearer focus. This should be of concern to the global media. Motive, method and's all there. If anyone wished to understand the level of politicization of Jersey's judicial system, and the reasons it cannot be seen as impartial, these two blogs are the most required reading.

Anonymous said...

Toothfairyland, indeed!

Anonymous said...

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Chris and Rob!

Here's a quick outline for the JEP editorial on 7 Bedford Row (if things get that bad, that is.)

Paragraph 1. Some Islanders may have some concerns about the revelations about the possibly too cosy relationship between the AG and 7 Bedford Row (more conciliatory guff as above)

Paragraph 2. (As above, blah blah - slightly less venomous poke at Syvret)

Paragraph 3. However, rest assured…..full investigation…..complete confidence… honest lawyers…800 years of history.. no need to change.

Paragraph 4. All is wonderful…stable finance….rosy future with the tax-evaders etc . (cut and paste some stuff from previous editorials)….. final dig at Syvret)

Oh and don't forget to disable "Have your say"

Merry Xmas (let's hope it will be the last under the current editors)

Anonymous said...

In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery?
- St. Augustine

Anonymous said...

What will the RAG's aswer to this be?
We aready know. They will repeat over and over that Stuart is bad, Stuart is a bad bad boy. Lenny is bad, very bad, too. That is all there is left for them to say, now.


Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Relations between me and The Rag - 'beyond repair'?

Oh yes.

They were that way many years ago.

Indeed - I could itemise the episode for you, when I realised the Jersey Evening Post upon the community of Jersey - was akin to a rapist upon his victim.

That was the whole Reg Jeune/ Phil Bailhache/LLP saga.

When I exposed a straightforward act of political corruption - I get illegally persecuted for it - and The Rag was right there - right alongside Jeune and Phil Bailhache - backing them all the way.

When - in any law-abiding, respectable country - both men would have been in jail.

I have the five editorial comments The Rag produced then - condemning me to the furthest pit of hell - copied and in a picture-frame.

But - even if I needed further persuading that the Jersey Evening Post was a toxic, propaganda rag of the local gangsters (which I didn't) that persuading occurred when I obtained a copy of the Sharp report - at some risk to my source and I - and gave it to The Rag in 2000.

They didn't print a single, solitary word from it.

Indeed - they've even lied about it ever since.

And - even now - I know that steel-spined titan of the Fourth Estate - Chris Bright - is aware of brazen acts of criminal corruption - involving a present member of the Jersey cabinet.

Indeed - he has known about it for many months.

What has he - the editor of Jersey's only "newspaper" - done about it?


Just as he will do zero about the apocalyptic news stories in this blog posting.

The JEP is - sooner or later - most probably sooner - going down the toilet.

I couldn't have one atom of sympathy for the whole, wretched crew.

Call it karma.


Anonymous said...


Congratulations on this excellent post, and a very Merry Christmas from your "cousins" across the pond.

Does anyone know what credentials, training and professional affiliations the JEP reporters have? It also might be rather intriguing to find out what formal editorial policy and proceedures are in place for their employees.

We wrote to the JEP long ago, asking them these same questions but they did not respond.


Anonymous said...

Stuart, if I recall correctly I think you once stated in this blog that you had undisclosed evidence hidden in several locations outside of Jersey, this was long before the illegal raid on your home.

Was the real reason your home was raided, to seek out all the evidence you held, to review it in depth before prosecuting you for a Public Disclosure Nightmare under the name of Data Protection Law, in the misinformed belief you had nothing to back up your allegations with and therefore they could get away with treating you as they have?

If so, they have totally misjudged you.

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Oh they had several - really quite obvious - reasons and motives for raiding me, the unlawful arrest and imprisonment, the unlawful search etc.

Most of which are quite clear when you give it a moment's thought. I'm too tired to recount them all now; maybe I will in a future posting.

But, yes - one of those motives was to find out what evidence I possessed - what real dirt I have on the oligarchy.

And, yes, in that respect, they had a wasted trip.

Because the really important stuff - just like the really important contacts - I never kept recorded or stored anywhere in Jersey; and never recorded or transferred any of it electronically.

'Underestimate me'?

I don't think it's a case of underestimating me as an individual; rather I think it's a case of blind, crazed, ignorant class-war.

People like Barking Bill and the rest of them - simply cannot - even begin - to truly grasp the notion that - actually - they're quite thick - and that many average plebs are naturally far smarter than them.

They are not capable of distinguishing between the advantages an expensive eduction conferred upon them - and natural intelligence.

It's as simple as that.


Rob Kent said...

Does anyone know how much of the stated £4.5m cost of the Haut de le Garenne inquiry was spent on legal fees and how much of that went to '7 Bedford Row'?

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Another warning to Jersey child abuse concealers.

Taken from the BBC web site:

It will - it is - going to catch up with all - I mean, all - of you.

It's not too late to repent.

Start doing the right thing - start telling the truth - now.

Don't end up going down - like Ogley and Baudains.


Pour Les Contres said...

I believe that both advocate Baker & Judge Shaw should have allowed the disclosure of Chief of Police Power's file note.

It proves that the States of Jersey Corporate Management Board & the Child Protection Committee were engaging in political acts.

The Corporate Management Board could have also influenced decisions in the case of Nurse M.

Nurse M being the subject of the police report published on this blog by Senator Syvret.

I believe that Senator Syvret is correct in claiming that this was in the public interest & that he shouldn't have been prosecuted under Data Protection Laws.

Anonymous said...

From here in Oz, you're looking a beaut.

What about the bombshell you had scheduled for the 18th ?

Senator Stuart Syvret said...


What an absolutely fascinating question.

Of course - we're told that the costs of the inquiry were all far too high (if one thinks like the Jersey oligarchy, and one believes that there's a cash value threshold - beyond which you let child rapists off) - and that any such "excessive" costs are to be blamed upon people like Lenny & Graham.

That - most certainly - has been the oligarchy spin.

But there are several flaws in that picture.

For example - we don't - actually - know what the real, accurate, genuine cost of the investigation has been. Oh sure - there have been all kinds of assertions. But a robust accounting?

Secondly - if - and this is a big if - any excessive costs were incurred, the legal and professional responsibility for those costs lays with the Home Affairs 'accounting officer' Steven Austin-Vautier.

And - thirdly - as you correctly point out - just how much of that total cost - was spent by Bill Bailhache - without proper financial controls and accounting methods - in employing his friends - at 7 Bedford Row - to produce a load of unsustainable and politicised "opinions" - because that is what he wanted - so as to have an excuse to not prosecute the child abusers?

What fascinating questions.

Perhaps what we need to do is organise an international web-based campaign to focus publicity upon 7 Bedford Row - to force them to answer some of these public interest questions?


Anonymous said...


I must agree with your distinction of this as a class war. Time and again I have had a difficult time explaining to other Americans just how shamelessly Jersey officials have treated even your publication of dry factual evidence.

It is the arrogance of their own behavior and their personal denigration of you which makes your established politicians and press seem most foolishly transparent, and that alone creates suspicion over here.

A colleague of mine said that one need only read the side of the story in your Evening Post to see that something is terribly wrong. The class discrimination regarding your cause is just so palpable.

Best wishes to you, Sir. The guilty may not give up easily, but you should triumph with the facts and the outside media on your side.

Anonymous said...

So much fiery rhetoric - and so few tangible results.

Just get over yourself Stupid Syvret: you are a totally spent force.

Jimmy Perchard was quite right: just go and top yourself

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Hello to friends down under.

Glad we're looking good to Oz.

I didn't make the 18th - so you've got it in this posting.

I'd say civil servants corruptly and illegally engineering the dismissal of a democratically elected government Minster - as evidnced by the Police Chief - was pretty much in bombshell territory.

And that's without the murderer - being a real danger to vulnerable members of the community.

And that's without our Attorney General - taking tax-payers money - to employ his friends - to produce the legal "opinions" he wants - to give him an excuse - to let-off child abusers.

That's more dynamite - in one blog posting - than all of Jersey's traditional media have produced - combined - over the last 20 years.


Anonymous said...

"Don't end up going down - like Ogley and Baudains".

Ogley and Baudains are still in post. You, by contrast, are not.

Anonymous said...

"What will the RAG's aswer to this be?
We aready know. They will repeat over and over that Stuart is bad, Stuart is a bad bad boy. Lenny is bad, very bad, too. That is all there is left for them to say, now.


If you take the trouble to check your facts, you will see thsat the JEP has not published a single word on Stuart Syvret since the "bullying" story - and that was in late November.

The truth is that Stuart Syvret is no longer newsworthy.

Anonymous said...

Oh this is bombshell stuff alright, even for the nationals. They'll be looking at it all soon enough. 7th Bedford Row was part of the investigation into the Nigerian (Abacha)trail? You should have the media beating down your doors soon enough.

Anonymous said...

"Just get over yourself Stupid Syvret: you are a totally spent force.

Jimmy Perchard was quite right: just go and top yourself".

Hmmm, that should rally the troops. Reverse psychology: clever move, Stuart!

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Is that Jimmy - or Tel Boy Le Main - pretending to be Jimmy?

Either way - you really should try and restrain yourself from engaging in public debate when you're drunk.

My posting is based upon fact - hard - evidenced - fact.

Now - let us see what mature, rational and competent response the Jersey oligarchy can produce.

If they are capable of producing such a response.

I'll wager they are not.

It will be a case of simply ignoring the profound issues - and hard evidence - of the post.

Or diverting attention from those deeply uncomfortable matters - with personal abuse against me. Don't misunderstand me - I have no problem with a bit of personal abuse - comes with the territory.

But - when all's said and done - one needs facts, evidence - and rational argument - to back-up the abuse.

So far - we've seen none of that at all from the Jersey oligarchy.

Instead, there seems to be this rather unhealthy - and profoundly tasteless - obsession with suggestions of self-harm and suicide.

Take my advice - the community would be better off - as would I - as would you - if you and others who share your views - simply - finaly - grew-up - and began to face the evidenced defects in Jersey's public administration.


Senator Stuart Syvret said...

No. No 'reverse-psychology'.

I don't do trolling.

I never post anonymously or under pseudonyms.

When I post - it is only as me.

The tragedy is - the Jersey oligarchy is supported by people as stupid as the author of that comment.


One Day said...

As a door tenant, does this not mean that he still belongs to that Chambers and works with them from a location outside the Chambers?

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Two fascinating - and remarkably similar - comments above.

On argues I am no longer "newsworthy" - the other revels in the fact that Ogley and Baudains are still in post and I am not.

The truly remarkable thing about both those comments - is that the author would appear to think that both postulates are, somehow, 'good'.

That it is to be welcomed - or is some kind of indication of the triumph and brilliance of the Jersey oligarchy - that the evidenced issues I raise - just don't matter in 'Jersey-World' - and the fact that two proven, lying,child-abuse concealing criminals remain in immensly expensive senior civil servant posts is a 'good thing'.

Well - as I did comment under the previous posting - there is an awful lot of truth in that old saying, 'people get the government they deserve'.

So if the author of the comment does think it's "good" - that evidence from the Chief of Police - that senior civil servants engaged in a criminal conspiracy to pervert the course of justice - in order to conceal child abuse - isn't "newsworthy" - well, you pays your money and you takes your choice.

Likewise - if the author of the comment - and others who share his views - belive that it's just great that a democratically accountable Minister got dismissed - for trying to uphold the law - and, instead - a pair of immensly expensive - yet grossly incompetent crooks - like Baudains and Ogley - remain employed at tax-payers' expense - then, well, so be it.

Those are your judgments - your values - your choices.

They aren't mine - which is why I've walked.


Rob Kent said...

Another irony (from 7BR web site):

"Simon Thomas. AG v. Blatchly and Adams: instructed for the defence in alleged £2.5m VAT fraud in the Isle of Man - prosecuted in Jersey. The case was dropped when the defence through forensic computer evidence raised serious issues over the integrity of certian key documents." (my emphasis)

By a weird coincidence, a similar defence used by Graham Power when trying to gain access to the creation dates of emails and documents prepared before his suspension. He was originally told that such information 'did not exist'.

An Isle of Man VAT fraud prosecuted in Jersey is thrown out on a technicality related to the forensic integrity of key documents but the forensic integrity of the key documents in Power's suspension was (and still is by some) considered to be irrelevant.

If Graham Power had known about that case beforehand, he could have cited it as evidence that such information does exist. In fact, it can even acquit you of VAT fraud.

Anonymous said...

It's official, Howard Sharpe will be sworn as new SG in March

Anonymous said...

To try to add some ballance to this would one of the anti-Stuart readers of this blog (of which we know there are many) please put forward a reasoned argument as to why the decent people of Jersey should not be very concerned about the content of this latest post

Posted this comment yesterday morning

So much fiery rhetoric - and so few tangible results.

Just get over yourself Stupid Syvret: you are a totally spent force.

Jimmy Perchard was quite right: just go and top yourself

Not doing very well are you? Come on all you "anti,s" lets have some real answeres to why Stuart is wrong. Surely you cant all be as patheticly stupid as that last comment would have us believe?

Anonymous said...

The likes of Ogley may well cling to their jobs and huge pay packets, but in the real world, they have lost all respect and credibility. For decent folk that is too high a price to pay.

Their continued employment says all you need to know about our Chief Minister and our "system"

Anonymous said...

and poor little Howard Sharp what should we give him for Christmas.. He has been a good boy and away from his Bedford home .. I know.. lets make him the Jersey Solicitor General .. and that ses it up nicely for us as well.

Anonymous said...

Only in Jersey could a blog posting be made like this on a widely read blog like this and yet NONE of the local media will mention it!

A lame attempt to keep it covered up and hope that nobody will call for any action. Quite pathetic, isn't it?

The rest of the world must think that this island stinks to high heaven!

Yes. Yes it does - legally!

Anonymous said...


Rob Kent has been doing some study of the 7 Bedford Row website. He is coming up with a number of interesting details. I looked at this and one thing that struck me was the number of cases shown where they had acted for local councils. This suggests one thing to me, that they are "Brothers". My experience is that local councils tend to award contracts to certain people corruptly.

You mention newspapers failing to report stories of importance, keeping a convenient silence. Some local papers in the UK are as bad as the Jersey "Rag". They obey orders from others to keep items from the public. Those who pull the strings can be found in, you know where.

I know of a case involving an MP, he has been dead for some years now, he was a member of Thatcher's Cabinet and government. He was homosexual, nothing against that but his private life was alarming. He had a liking for rent boys, picking up men in toilets and it is alleged paedophile activity. He was named as one of the abusers in the North Wales care homes. He had been prosecuted a number of times for importuning in toilets etc. The cases were never reported. The last time was in the early 1980s when he was caught in the toilets on Crewe railway station. He was prosecuted in Chester Crown Court but nothing appeared in the press.

One of the national papers got investigating him and found horrendous goings on. They were all set to publish one Sunday and their proprietor had a call from Thatcher and the story was buried.

Ask the MP for Chester now and she will give you an idea of what he was up to.


Proud Survivor said...

Anonymous said:"So much fiery rhetoric - and so few tangible results."

I didn't read rhetoric in this latest post! I read hard cold facts and evidence put over in a way that is unrefutable. As for tangible results? Just you wait and carry on waiting for a knock on the door!

This poster then went on to suggest that Stuart should take his own life (quote J Perchard)
This was offensive and evil the first time it was said but it shows the desperation of those who are guilty of concealment that they would actually like you out of the way Stuart.

Rob you are so right about the cost of the HDLG enquiry. Will we ever know how much of that money lined the pockets of wealthy lawyers who are obviously hand in glove with the oligarchy?

To quote a well-known advert:
The cost to abuse survivors in Jersey who are getting no justice or closure? Immeasurable

The cost of the HDLG enquiry? Peanuts compared to the above

The cost of seeing the people who abused me and countless other children and teenagers arrested and brought to book? PRICELESS


Anonymous said...

It stands to reason that nearly all of the 4.5 million for the oligarchy's HDLG enquiry went on legal fees and it is reasonable to think that that majority went to 7 Bedford Row.

The oligarchy's only concern was to bring over Warcup and Gradwell at any cost and rubbish Power and Harper that in turn rubbished the evidence, it only then needed 7 Bedford Row, at any cost to say not enough evidence.

The oligarchy's thinking was that it was better to only pay out 4.5M
(off lightly in fact), and put it all to bed!?

voiceforchildren said...


You will re-call I sent an e-mail to Denzil Dudley (editor BBC Jersey) asking him not to keep your last Blog posting Buried.

I am pleased to say I have had a response from him. I asked in order to give my original posting some balance, if he would would mind me publishing his response on here. I am also pleased to say he had no objections.

Denzil's response.

Thank you for your e-mail. Despite what you may believe, or hear, we never "bury" stories.

We do not broadcast, or publish allegations against people, or organisations without first giving them the opportunity to respond to them.

In this instance the timing couldn't be worse, as, until into January, we, and presumably the rest of the media, are now on absolutely skeleton staffing - enough to keep us on air (just) with lots of pre-recorded programmes - plus obtaining responses to the Senator's claims is likely to fall foul of the "Sorry, it's the Christmas Break" response.

Notwithstanding, we have already contacted Mr Ogley, the Chief Minister, Mr. Power, Crown Advocate Baker, the Deputy Bailiff, the current Attorney General and the Head of Chambers at 7 Bedford Row, emphasising the great public interest in the matters raised by Senator Syvret, asking them to respond to his statements and conclusions and telling them that we wish to conduct detailed interviews with them on these matters as a matter of urgency. Since a leading London law-firm is involved, we have also made sure that our colleagues in the UK are aware of the posting.

Predictably for the time of year, so far, we have received nothing but "Out of Office" replies. We shall, howver, persist.

Best wishes and have a very Merry Christmas.

Denzil Dudley
Editor BBC Jersey

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Congratulations to my sources once again.

So Mr. Sharp will be the next SG.

I wouldn't claim necessarily to be an automatic and natural ally of Jersey lawyers.

But, really - if I were a Jersey lawyer - and I saw prominent and important positions in Jersey - such as Solicitor General - being given to complete outsiders - who just happen to come from the pet chambers of Bill Bailhache - I would be really, really angry.

Are we really supposed to believe that amongst all of Jersey's extensive herd of lawyers (sorry, can't think of the correct collective noun right now) that there were none who wanted the job - no 'suitable candidates'.

But it isn't just the Law Officers' posts; I know that quite a number of Jersey lawyers do not regard the present habits and structure of the administration of justice in Jersey to be acceptable or appropriate. Many would like the system modernised.

For example, it is clear that most Jersey lawyers were simply dreading Bill Bailhache becoming a judge - knowing just how eccentric he is - and just how authoritarian and vindictive, which would be bad for their cases if they ever upset him.

It is for that last reason that so very few Jersey lawyers will ever speak out or challenge the cosy-club who are 'in' with the powers that be.

I think the time has come for lawyers to become more vocal and mobilised. And not only in their own interests.

Take a look at Jersey's legislature and cabinet.

Fills you with hope and confidence, does it?

For the future of Jersey?

The community needs a few lawyers to begin using their education and training to speak out against the excesses and stupidities of the oligarchy.


Anonymous said...


While I am absolutely horrified and angry at the content of your latest posting, I have to say that I am not surprised.

Agreeing totally with several of the comments already posted - 'follow the money' - I can see that what you have achieved with this post is only the beginning. You have a lot more work to do!

As a very ordinary but passionate Jerseyman, I want to counter the vile, nasty, frightened attacks on you - even to the point of suggesting you commit suicide.

I want to thank you Stuart - you are a brave and honourable man. I also thank those helping you - Lenny Harper especially and I am sure there are many others.

In my book Stuart, you are not history, you are not a spent force, you are in fact doing more for the benefit of this island than all the other states members put together.

Thank you and I hope you have a good christmas Stuart!

st-ouennais said...

Ho Ho Ho. It is only Christmas Eve - still a working day for the majority of the population. Yet not one of those Crown Officers or director level States employees is available to comment on a matter of great public interest and legal importance. It is three monkey syndrome!

Happy Christmas to all those with a clear conscience.

David said...

Stuart, it's an eloquence of lawyers.

Best wishes from Guernsey for as Merry a Christmas as you can manage.

After your last posting Jersey seems a lot further away that it used to be.

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

St. Ouennais

Yes - well observed.

I suppose at least Denzil Dudley responded to the Voice - and has made some effort - it probably being a reasonable assumption that none of the other Jersey media have.

But - indeed - the notion that ALL of the relevant individuals - are ALL "unavailable" - and CAN'T be contacted - upon what IS for the rest of us still a WORKING day - in connection with THREE combined stories that are so APOCALYPTIC and DEVASTATING as to bring Jersey's ability to self-govern safely into question - is LAUGHABLE.

Tell you what, Jersey media, you know my mobile number; give me a call - right now - and I'll be interviewed about the issues.

Tell you what - EVEN BY BBC JERSEY - if they want to call me in the next hour or so.

Can't say fairer than that, can I.

I await the the explosion of activity from my mobile with fevered anticipation.

OK, I made up that last paragraph. But look, I never claimed you could believe everything you read on this site.


Anonymous said...


But never forget that `` a man mortgaged up to the hilt, is a pillar of social stability’’.
(Emile Lavelay, 19th century Belgium economist)

I believe that there are many on your island that fall into the above `mortgaged up to the hilt’.

Carry on the good and honorable fight Stuart, and Merry Christmas to you and all of your supporters!

The world is watching

Anonymous said...

Now this is a posting that you can leave on for a few weeks.

It will make good/interesting reading a second, third, even fourth time.

It will also give people with a hectic life style, who have a bit of time to relax over the Christmas period, time to read and digest....

Even those who dont really want to or those who usually wouldnt dare.


Hope you have a decent Christmas Stuart.

Anonymous said...

No calls then?

A GREED of lawyers sounds correct to my ears.

Anonymous said...

Stuart, if I had any musical talent I'd write you a song called "Christmas in Exile" :)

I hope you manage to have a good day over there, and best wishes for twenty-ten to you, family, friends and fans.

Anonymous said...

Whilst smarting from my bo77ocking received from Lenny H. regarding my mis-comparison of the real Beano and our daily paper :-) I feel that Denzil must be due a compliment with his reply to VFC detailing his actions.
I do hope that his reply is an honest one and not hiding behind the "it's Christmas" line.
Denzil could well be a link to getting Stuart's message out to the sceptical audience.

voiceforchildren said...


I did notice you weren't on the list of people Denzil tried contacting, neither was Lenny.

Rob Kent said...

Stuart, I would like to wish you, your other supporters, and well-intentioned readers of this blog a Happy Christmas and successful New Year.

To quote the Poet: 'In the final end we won the war, after losing every battle.'

And to all you other people, on the Dark Side: Stop It!

All the best,


Anonymous said...

Having re-read passages from Stuart's court appearances I could not help thinking that Stuart was employing an old Chinese tactic.

"A wise man can act the fool" but a fool cannot act wise.

voiceforchildren said...


Thinking about it, i'm sure it would have been a waste of time contacting the REAL Chief Police officer Mr. Power as I believe he constrained by some confidentiality agreement isn't he?

If that is the case, then roll on his retirement! I bet (hope) he is going to sing like a fecken Canary!
But something tells me he won't be in a hurry to start singing towards many of our local "accredited" media, he'll go national, just like Lenny had to.

Anonymous said...

worth the wait.......... a great posting. one by one they will bite the dust .......... who's next You predicted rightly about MP and then RL. Who will it be ... have to wait til after christmas though as none of the big boys are left at work. You couldn't make it up. Good government .. thats right. I hope that this will push some of our other elected members to ask serious questions. but that may be asking too much .. their noses, at least most of them, are also in the trough, it would appear.

Anonymous said...

I to, have had a response from BBC radio Jersey. Signed by somebody else, but word for word the very same response as received by voiceforchildren.

Anonymous said...

Is it remotely possible that DD at the BBC could maybe and I mean MAYBE having some serious thoughts about this ? Or is that just wishful thinking ?

Anonymous said...

Probably futile but i would send a transcript of your latest blog, by recorded delivery the editor of every newspaper in the UK including the vile rag.

I know that the JEP editor still clings to his dream of an OBE for "Services rendered" to the establishment, but he must not be allowed to claim he has not read facts.

voiceforchildren said...

Has anybody contacted any of our other "accredited" media to ask if they are going to report this story?

Anonymous said...


Keep this posting up to at least next year.

Let it serve as a wall for the oligarchy to try to knock down in the New Year.

Anonymous said...

So they have charged another man for abuse at HDLG. Another man who was a boy of 13 or 14 when he committed the offence. Will it turn out that he, like MA, was abused as a child too? When are they going to start charging the adult offenders? The latest man charged would have been dealt with in the youth court at the time, he should be dealt with in the youth court now as he was a child at the time and did not know it was wrong.

rico sorda said...

Hi Stuart

I am putting up a statement from Home Affairs Minister.


I wish to inform the Assembly that following the “in camera debate” which took place on 21st January, 2009, I met with the Chief Officer of Police and with his representative, Dr. Timothy Brain on 13th February, 2009 and 5th March, 2009 for the purpose of reviewing the suspension of the Chief Officer of Police. During the review process I considered submissions from Dr. Brain in relation to the procedure which I should follow, the documents or other matters which I should consider, the criteria which I should apply in making my decision and whether or not the Chief Officer of Police should continue to be suspended. I then proceeded to make detailed decisions in relation to each of these issues with the outcome being that I decided that the suspension of the Chief Officer of Police should continue pending the current investigation.

I also wish to inform the Assembly that my current information is that the current investigation will not be completed before the end of June 2009. It is my intention to continue from to time to time to review the current suspension but any such review will be based upon any relevant change of circumstances and will not be a further general review.

So where does this leave the Wiltshire report

Does the fact that we don't have independent lawyers must change things

Power/Harper 3 trials 3 convictions not bad for such a crap team.

Cases that must be looked at concerning the EX AG




Are there more? probably about 15 that need to be rechecked

I look forward to hearing what the Home Affairs minister has to say about this blog posting.


Anonymous said...

Inspirational work Stuart - this posting will have given certain Jersey "faces" cause to drop a few imodium pretty sharpish!.

All the very best for 2010 to you and the genuine, decent folk who follow this blog.

Benny the Dip.

Anonymous said...

What did Wendy know and when did she know it?

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

A message of thanks.

Just a brief message to thank everyone who has e-mailed me and expressed support.

Whilst I've replied to some - there are just so many, it may take a while for me to respond to them all.

I'm looking forward to continuing the battle against the forces of darkness during the coming 12 months - and I know it's going to be easier with the increasing support of a lot of people.

Thank you all - and have a happy Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Senator Syvret,
You have got an army of us supporters behind you and anything we can do to help the fight you only need ask. Hope you and yours have a good xmas and look forward to the battle in 2010.

Anonymous said...

How did Jersey born Julian Thorne (43) get to become a teacher. When incidents of child abuse have been hanging over his head for 27 years.

Anonymous said...

Hi Stuart, as I just said to you in an e-mail I will see you in London at the beggining of January but until then just watch out if you go into any nightclubs, you never know whatkind of debauchery goes on in discotheques

Anonymous said...

Wendy Kinnard was a strong supporter of our enquiry and of the victims. She stood up to Frank Walker and Bill Ogley in my presence when they were trying to pressurise me. She was under great pressure herself but trust me, she was very much onside. Lenny Harper

Anonymous said...

anon wrote....'The latest man charged would have been dealt with in the youth court at the time, he should be dealt with in the youth court now as he was a child at the time (13 or 14) and did not know it was wrong.'

Sorry but I couldn't let this ridiculous post pass without comment!...I would hope at the age of 13 or 14 we would all know what was right and what was wrong (isn't the legal age for criminal responsibility 10 or 11?)PLEASE don't make excuses for these alleged sex offenders.

Anonymous said...

Hi Stuart have a rest over Christmas try and relax a little you have certainly earned a break good luck to you and all your supporters for the new year

You certainly have more guts than most of our brown nosed States members take care.

Anonymous said...

"Regarding Jersey - I gather the policeman who 'topped' himself on Snowdon and two other policemen who died around the same time were investigating Jersey. One fell off a cross channel ferry."

Anonymous said...

I have just re-read your post of
Monday, 5 October 2009


An Evidenced Examination of the Conduct of Bill Ogley,

Jersey’s Chief Civil Servant.


With that posting and the new posting with a copy of Graham Powers email, heads should be rolling!!

What a big liar Bill Ogley has proven to be! He should be sacked!!

Anonymous said...

No surprise here: Over a thousand new/first time readers in just 48 hours. The truth does not need the crap local media.

Tony Gallichan said...

Too right your not alone. We have work to do. Have a rest, a break - and remember that sofa we discussed!!! We can start on my side of things in the new year when you've had a chance to recharge your batteries.

I'm going to be contacting a couple of people, one of whom has a media profile and has expressed a lot of interest in Jersey.

As for this particular blog entry, it's possibly the most important entry on the blog. You have the evidence to back up your claims. This HAS to now be fully investigated - NOT by Jersey authorities, but by independent, UK investigators. well, I stress the INDEPENDENT part of that.

May I ask as many readers as possible to contact the national media - the Beeb, ITN, Channel Four, the national press (look, if it helps with the tabloids, mention someone off x-factor - you'll get the front page then).

Lets make a HUGE thing out of this. If we make enough noise they can't turn away.

My best wishes to everyone on this site, no exceptions.

And before I go, time to poke the copper - Lenny, I was always a Whizzer N Chips man, myself.. :P

I'll go now - I don;t want a cross Lenny bearing down on me, LOL.

Happy Christmas

Anonymous said...

Some local newspaper apologist wrote, "If you take the trouble to check your facts, you will see thsat the JEP has not published a single word on Stuart Syvret since the "bullying" story - and that was in late November.
The truth is that Stuart Syvret is no longer newsworthy."

Ah, but you see in any other place the publication of evidence of official corruption would not be met with silence by the only local newspaper.

Given the circumstance of the Father of the House remaining in UK exile and his fresh allegations of injustice, it is frankly amusing to read that the senator is not newsworthy compared to, oh, any of the trivial minutae of that silly publication.

Obviously, that newspaper cannot pretend to ignore the most important news item for long. They will undoubtedly feel compelled to spin it into a rehash of "BAD BAD Syvret," as always. That is all they know to do with this story.


Anonymous said...

To paraphrase John Dean, the attorney of Watergate Fame, circa 1972, "There is a cancer growing on the"... oligarchy, Sir!


Jacques Chartier said...

Well done Stuart. Have a well needed rest. Best wishes to all your contributors and supporters.

Anonymous said...

Surely one of our elected representatives will question how
several embroiled civil servants can wield such power.

While they are at it can we please have the public accounts which show how much money has been spent on the independent legal advice compared to other chambers.

Anonymous said...

Somebody asked how Thorne came to be a teacher... probably mutch the same way Holand got his taxi lisence - assisted by a glowing refererence from honest Tel - aka Terry le Main

rico sorda said...

statement from the AG june 3rd 09

part 1

The statement from the Attorney General is reproduced in full below:-

The Attorney General last made a statement on 26th August, 2008 when he announced that of the six files which had then been received by the prosecution lawyers, charges had been laid in respect of three of them, one file had been returned to the police for further investigations, and a decision had been taken in relation to one of the remaining two files that no charges would be brought. Further police investigations have now been conducted and a decision has now been made that for legal and evidential reasons, no charges will be brought in respect of either of the two outstanding files. A full statement of reasons is set out below.

Cases of this nature are often difficult. There is rarely any independent evidence, and often the cases come down to being the word of one person against another. In a criminal trial, it is not a question of the Magistrate or the jury deciding which version of events they prefer. The prosecution most prove its case beyond all reasonable doubt, and if there is any doubt, an accused person is entitled to be found not guilty. Before bringing a criminal prosecution, there must be sufficient evidence such that there is a realistic prospect of conviction. A decision not to bring criminal proceedings does not necessarily mean that those who have made complaints are not believed, nor does it necessarily mean that any account given by a suspect has been believed. A decision not to prosecute means only that the Attorney General, having fully considered all of the available evidence and other information, has decided that an acquittal is more likely than a conviction.

A decision not to prosecute is capable of being perceived as denying the complainant the right to be heard. Indeed, this can lead to a pressure to allow the complainant to have his or her day in Court. However to succumb to such pressure would mean that the prosecution was not applying the evidential test which is its function to apply. The Courts are entitled to know that they are not faced with prosecutions which even the prosecutor thinks will not succeed. The criminal justice system as a whole requires each part of that system – police, prosecutors and Courts – to fulfil its functions professionally and properly. To compromise the test to allow evidentially weak cases to proceed is not an exercise of the objective approach which is demanded of prosecutors by the Code on the Decision to Prosecute. It is not fair to anyone – the complainants, the accused, the witnesses or the public – to do otherwise than apply the evidential test professionally and objectively.

rico sorda said...



Case 6


In about May 1997, police received information that there was suspected historical child abuse committed by a man and a woman between 1980 and 1990 upon various ex-residents of a Children’s Home in St. Clement, Jersey. The woman had been employed as a “house mother” and although her husband was not employed in any such capacity, it appeared that he played a full part in the running of the Home, which closed in 1990. Following a police investigation in 1997, a number of charges of grave and criminal assault and common assault were brought against both the man and the woman in the Magistrate’s Court. Following an initial hearing, the Magistrate dismissed some of the charges on the grounds that there was no sufficient prima facie evidence to commit the accused to the Royal Court, but in respect of other charges, the defendants were committed for trial in the Royal Court.

When the matter was received in the then Attorney General’s Chambers, the case file was passed to a private sector Crown Advocate with the request that there should be a full evidential review. The Crown Advocate carried out that review and concluded that there were evidential problems. In the circumstances he recommended that the prosecution should go no further.

On receipt of that review, the then Attorney General convened a case conference which was attended by the private sector Crown Advocate, a departmental lawyer, the police officer in charge of the case, a representative of the Children’s Service and the Attorney General himself. The meeting analysed the evidence on each charge having regard to the memoranda prepared by the private sector Crown Advocate. The then Attorney General concluded that there was insufficient evidence to have any realistic prospect of conviction and that in the circumstances it would not be right to proceed. No-one dissented from this view, which indeed was positively endorsed by the other two lawyers present. Although all present were aware of the assertion that one of the couple was suffering from a terminal illness, this possibility was expressly not a factor taken into account in reaching a decision, which was taken entirely on an assessment of the evidential test.

Following that meeting, the Crown formally abandoned the prosecution before the Royal Court in 1998 on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence to support it.

rico sorda said...


Developments in 2008/9

Between 29th April and 9th July, 2008, the independent prosecution lawyers instructed by the Attorney General were provided by the police with a number of statements in relation to this case. These included both the original material arising out of the 1998 investigation, and an amount of new material. Those lawyers provided advice to the Attorney General on 18th and 22nd July, 2008. At the request of the police in the autumn of last year, the Attorney General made an application for mutual legal assistance from the French Authorities to enable an interview with the couple to take place in France. In February this year, the necessary confirmations from the competent authorities in France were obtained but the attempts to interview the couple proved unsuccessful. The decision has thus been taken based on the evidence available in July last year.

The present case raises the difficult question of what approach ought to be taken when a prospective defendant has been given a clear indication by the prosecuting authorities that s/he will not be prosecuted.

The Attorney General has noted that in a written answer given in the House of Commons on 31st March, 1993, the Attorney General of England and Wales, responding to a question relating to the re-institution of proceedings which had been terminated said this:

“The fundamental consideration remains that individuals should be able to rely on decisions taken by the prosecuting authorities. The policy of the Director of Public Prosecutions is that a decision to terminate proceedings or not to prosecute should not, in the absence of special circumstances, be altered once it has been communicated to the defendant or prospective defendant unless it was taken and expressed to be taken because the evidence was insufficient. In such a case it would be appropriate to reconsider the decision if further significant evidence were to become available at a later date – especially if the alleged offence is a serious one.

Special circumstances which might justify departure from this policy include:

(i) rare cases where reconsideration of the original decision shows that it was not justified and the maintenance of confidence in the criminal justice system requires that a prosecution be brought notwithstanding the earlier decision; and

(ii) those cases where termination has been effected specifically with a view to the collection and preparation of the necessary evidence which is thought likely to become available in the fairly near future. In such circumstances, the CPS will advise the defendant of the possibility that proceedings will be reinstituted. “

The Attorney General has also noted the Crown Prosecution Service website at paragraph 12, which reads as follows:

“12. Restarting a Prosecution

12.1 People should be able to rely on decisions taken by the Crown Prosecution Service. Normally if the Crown Prosecution Service tells a suspect or defendant that there will not be a prosecution or that the prosecution has been stopped, that is the end of the matter and the case will not start again. But occasionally there are special reasons why the Crown Prosecution Service will restart the prosecution, particularly if the case is serious.

12.2 These reasons included:

(a) rare cases where a new look at the original decision shows that it was clearly wrong and should not be allowed to stand;

(b) cases which are stopped so that more evidence which is likely to become available in the fairly near future can be collected and prepared. In these cases the Crown Prosecutor will tell the defendant that the prosecution may well start again; and

(c) cases which are stopped because of a lack of evidence but where more significant evidence is discovered later.”

rico sorda said...

aYou can find the rest of the statement here..

Would love to know what mr harper or yourself make of this stuart. I have put some up so you can read it i know some cant be bothered with links.

Stuart what has the response to this blog posting from our local media/politicians

There must be questions asked at the next states sitting.

And how could we forget this one.. again high profile

this is from the above

"It is believed that this decision was made after the file was examined by independent advocates and a Queen’s Counsel in the UK."


Anonymous said...

where is DI Fossey now?

Anonymous said...

"where is DI Fossey now?"

Eating her Christmas dinner.

Anonymous said...

The BBC did a rapid review of the decade and the abuse enquiry got the briefest of spun mentions : that the world was shocked by the announcement of remains found at HdlG - followed by something like "although that was later found to be untrue" - and that was it!

And there's a nice reminder of the Paxman Newsnight interview in tomorrow's special news review edition of the filthy raggage.

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas Stuart,

Hope to see you back in Jersey in the New Year to win your fight.

The truth will be hard to face for the brainwashed public, but face it they must.

Good luck for 2010.


Senator Stuart Syvret said...

D.I. Fossey

Many of my constituents wll be very reasured to know that good, straight cops read this blog.

Just as many of the bad guys wont be.

Hope it was a good christmas dinner - and here's to the forces of good.


Anonymous said...

A brief reminder of the past.

Anonymous said...

"The BBC did a rapid review of the decade and the abuse enquiry got the briefest of spun mentions : that the world was shocked by the announcement of remains found at HdlG - followed by something like "although that was later found to be untrue" - and that was it!"

With all due respect what should the headline be then? I would be interested to know how some people on here wiukd write the headline?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the anonymous post of 24/12/2009, 22.46.

The death of Michael Todd, Chief Constable of Greater Manchester, to which you refer, has many disturbing features. These are covered well in a web site called, The One Eye Lies, Google this and see what you find.

I didn't know he was looking at Jersey. He had been investigation Extraordinary Rendition flights landing on UK soil.

I should be interested to know more about the Jersey connection.

His death bears similarities to that of the death of Dr David Kelly.

Another murder by the agents of the British State.


rico sorda said...

Hi Lenny

I have put a link up for the 8 interviews you gave Sky tv.

Its good hearing them again because like the game chinese whispers you can forget what was actually said and just remember what you think was said.

put your name in the search engine if not on the front page

Rico Goon Sorda

Anonymous said...

Anybody noticed that the swine flu emergency has all gone quiet. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact the staff have all gone on holiday for Christmas.
How much has been spent on this "emergency" and how many people have bothered to get a jab.
Never in the field of medicine has so much money been spent for so few of the population. Isnt it about time Jersey and Guernsay merged their Public Health services. This would save the good folk of both islands having to pay for two incompetent drs advising the population to wash their hands and eat fruit.

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

A brief reminder of the past.

Yes. Say's it all really, doesn't it.

You can see from that Newsnight piece just what I meant in the recycled previous posting - about the sheer inadequacy of those politicians we're supposed to regard as high-calibre leaders - like Walker and his predecessors.

What an utterly inadequate, silly little man.

As I've remarked previously, all he was interested in was trying to argue with Paxman - thus revealing even more of his true self. The fact that the quote Paxman put to him was actually a good deal milder that what Walker actually said, just didn't seem occur to him.

I always found a lot of black humour in Paxman's wonderfully dry "correction" to camera at the end of the piece. Those words could be the epitaph for Walker and the Jersey oligarchy.

Do you think Walker - and others, like Barking Bill - ever look at this situation - the failure to protect vulnerable children, the cover-ups, the political oppression, the civil-service failures, the unlawful persecution of me, forcing me into exile, the disgusting failure to bring abusers to justice - and think "Christ, what a train-wreck. We got all this disastrously wrong. Our attitude, our approach has been a catastrophe for the survivors and for jersey."?

No. Neither do I.

That's what I mean when I refer to the utter decadence and hubris of the Jersey oligarchy.

These are people who are culturally used to always getting their own way - of always "wining" - no matter that they're obviously in the wrong.

It is largely that complete absence of ability to think self-critically that has led them to what will, hopefully, be their long-overdue destruction.


Tony Gallichan said...

A light hijack here... Could all thos einterested in the ban on foxhunting NOT being repealed by the Tories, please go here? Thank you..

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

What should BBC Jersey have written with regard to the HDLG investigation?

It should have adhered to the requirements of the Broadcasting Act - and of the BBC Charter - and reported accurately a balanced version of events - of the facts.

That's as opposed to the passive and unchallenged regurgitation of the Jersey oligarchy spin, "that there was nothing to it and it was all a fuss over nothing."

BBC Jersey might have written something like this:

Allegations of historic child abuse in Jersey became an international news story. Of particular concern was the suggestion that children may have been murdered at HDLG. However, following the retirement of the officer leading the investigation, the Chief of Jersey's Police force was suspended by a politician and the head of Jersey's civil service amidst claims that the investigation had been based on nothing, and had been poorly managed. Two senior officers, recruited by Jersey's establishment, proceeded to denounce the investigation in a manner unprecedented in all modern British policing. They and Jersey's ruling Establishment Party claim no child killings occurred at HDLG. However, children's rights campaigners, survivors and opposition politicians maintain that many questions remain unanswered, and that there are serious defects in the claims made against the investigation. For example, campaigners point to the fact that over 70 children's teeth, and a number of human bone fragments remain completely unexplained. In the case of some of the latter, the forensic anthropologist describing them as "fresh and fleshed" at the time of their burning.It has also recently emerged that the 'grounds' for the original suspension of Chief Constable Graham Power were spurious, and that the Jersey authorities were not accurate in their claims that the decision to suspend had been decided as an emergency measure only the evening before, but had, in fact, been planned by politicians for some time. The dispute over the Jersey child abuse issue continues between the two camps and is likely to continue to be a source of major political controversy for many years."

Perhaps not in exactly those words - but - BBC Jersey - something very much along those lines would have complied with the law and the BBC Charter - in providing a balanced and accurate account of both sides of the dispute.

Instead - BBC Jersey has passively peddled a Jersey oligarchy spin-doctor's sound-bite - as though that were the only and final word on the subject.

This is an example of why I'm so critical of BBC Jersey.

That standard of reporting is simply not lawful for a broadcast media - and is certainly not compatible with the BBC Charter.


voiceforchildren said...


Couldn't agree with you more concerning the Bridget Bullsh1t Corporation.They are a disgrace to the name of BBC.

Just listen to the phone-in with Chris Stone, less and less anti establishment callers are going on. I believe that is because he is stopping them getting on air.

He and Christy Tucker do not allow me on their phone-ins neither do they read out my e-mails. If any e-mail of mine is read out, it's read out Bridget Bullsh1t Corporation style.

That is Chris Stone in particular will not read it out as it is written, he'll read out his version of it.

It is this sort of behaviour that is forcing people away from mainstream media and on to the internet and Blogs.

The Bridget Bullsh1t Corporation are creating a them and us culture, and that's what will bring about their demise.

Anonymous said...


You briefly touched upon Jersey's class inequality and it does seem to answer more of the questions we outsiders have about the peculiar psychological make up of certain officials in your government. As a Yank of Norman ancestry, this absolutely fascinates.

Now you ask in a comment above if former Minister Walker and others even considered their mistakes in this matter, and I think the answer again goes to their utterly archaic class prejudices as much as to their inability to see their own risk objectively.

For you to have outsmarted them is not a fact they will yet accept, pure and simple. That you could prevail in this challenge is not something they may ever allow themselves to consider before it is too late for them to find cover.

I would imagine that if you had been brought up attending the same schools and social gatherings they clearly could not have so vastly underestimated you.

The fact that they have no point of cultural reference for even intellectual class equality, much less your own obvious superiority, is more than they can overcome given the narrow parochial mindset of their world.

Now, so entrenched is their faith in their own permanent entitlement, they are not able to see the train, much less to imagine the wreck that only they themselves have brought on.

Ensconced within their own social circles, they are probably still asking how it is that you dare speak to them without showing them due deference!


Anonymous said...

It would be enlightening to read the editorial philosophy and values statements of the JEP, BBC Jersey, et al.

The following is from the Guardian website, and the full version is available there in pdf format:

"A newspaper's primary office is the gathering of news. At the peril of its soul it must see that the supply is not tainted."

The most important currency of the Guardian is trust. This is as true today as when CP Scott marked the centenary of the founding of the paper with his famous essay on journalism in 1921.

The purpose of this code is, above all, to protect and foster the bond of trust between the paper and its readers, and therefore to protect the integrity of the paper and of the editorial content it carries."

Anonymous said...




Arrived on my doorstep Saturday 26 December, absolutely nothing news worthy in this edition 5 pages were television listings which we already had in our Thursday edition.

I would like to ask the J E P how much of my 45 pence is going to the joint Christmas appeal? .

Anonymous said...

Re: Julian Thorne (43).

This is in the public domain & is found easily.

So what has been going on & why have our media ignored it?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
anon wrote....'The latest man charged would have been dealt with in the youth court at the time, he should be dealt with in the youth court now as he was a child at the time (13 or 14) and did not know it was wrong.'

Sorry but I couldn't let this ridiculous post pass without comment!...I would hope at the age of 13 or 14 we would all know what was right and what was wrong (isn't the legal age for criminal responsibility 10 or 11?)PLEASE don't make excuses for these alleged sex offenders.

Thursday, 24 December 2009 22:09:00 GMT
I was not making excuses for these alleged sex offenders, I was actually 21 when I realised what my dad was doing to me was wrong. I am sorry but some who are brought up with abuse do not know it is abuse. I was actually slagging the prosecution for making scapegoats to make it look good. When are they going to do something about the abusers named on this site? That was my dig, it was not a ridiculous comment

Anonymous said...

Silencing a scandal – the story of Colin Smart

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stuart.......................why oh why did you not listen to Lynne Swiatczak when you had the opportunity?

You would not be in exile.....MP would have been long gone.....the consultants would have been managed and the crap ones sacked.....nursing would have been so much fact H&SS would be first class.


Anonymous said...

It stands to reason that Bill Ogley and Mike Pollard have been partners in crime for at least the last 7 years.

Bill Ogley got the top job at The States 12 years ago, he found his feet then brought his mate over 5 years later.

2 powerful men in their prime taking 2 top jobs in Jersey.

It also stands to reason that they understood "The Jersey way" from day one and believed that after a few years they would gain their Jersey pension and there Jersey quallies, then spend their retirement in Jersey as splendid chaps opening fetes and mybe a knighthood.

3 of the people that got in their way and had to be ousted were Lynne Swiatczak, Graham Power and Father Of The House Senator Stuart Syvret....

Then Citizen Media changed everything!

Anonymous said...

Cartoon, Daily Telegraph Boxing Day 2009 - p. 35, bottom left hand corner - "unwelcome" attention never ceases.

Our island now enjoys a global image like never before - may 2010 bring favourable winds of change.

Compliments of the Season Senator Syvret.

voiceforchildren said...


That Collin Smart story is a must read.

One, of the many, factors that stick out is the support that was given by the local newspaper. Compare that with the FILTHY RAG..........nuff said!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rico. First of all in respect of the Maguires, charges were brought in 1997 but only in respect of the allegations of physical abuse. The serious allegations of sexual abuse were ignored on the grounds that the victims were "unreliable." We re-discovered these allegations when we looked at the case again, together with a number of new sexual allegations that victims had felt unable to bring to notice before. Our recommendation was that these should be proceeded with. You all know what happened.

The "Private Sector" Advocate did indeed comment upon the lack of corroboration in respect of the evidence. He also heavily emphasised the "terminal illness" Mr Maguire was allegedly suffering from. Despite extensive efforts we never found any supporting evidence for this ilness. He seemed to rapidly improve after the charges were dropped and was still fit enough to fight when Robert Hall of Panorama door-stepped him.

Those who were not in the AG's employ have a different recollection of that case conference. They insist there was no discussion - they were told the case was being dropped. End of story.

As for what happened when we looked at it. I have already extensively documented the delays, stalling, and other tactics adopted by the AG's representatives. At one stage - June 2008 I think - I was told that the Legal team was only a day and a half from completing the indictments against the suspects and that extradition proceedings could then begin. This never materialised. I even had to contact the CPS expert on Extradition myself to get some information which the "specialist lawyers" didn't have. I received an e mail from Stephen Baker's office admonishing me for pressurising them and telling me that the file would be with the AG within seven days. Several weeks later I had the Detective investigating the matter compile a full report detailing all the delays and excuses and broken promises. When I retired in August we had just been told that the file had gone to the AG who now wanted another UK barrister to look at it but as he was on holiday there would be a delay.

As regards the Sky interviews - thanks. I suppose it is too much to hope for that some Jersey politicians, officials, and, the JEP, might also refresh their memories about what was actually said, although I suspect that faulty memory might not be the real problem.

Happy New Year,
Lenny Harper

Rob Kent said...

By the way, I've registered the domain name, just in case it's ever needed.

Anonymous said...

Another blast from the past

Anonymous said...

rs (the goon)

Anonymous said...

Tony G

With respect Tony -
"The Hunting Ban" was never about animal welfare and-ironically-there are more foxes killed now than ever were when hunting was legal due to farmers using gas,snares,lamping and poison.

Benny the Dip.

Tony Gallichan said...

Rob - nice going... the domain name may well be needed soon.... Stuart, I'll contact you shortly...

Anonymous said...

Benny not sure if you live in and amongst the 'hunting fraternity' I do, believe me there is still fox hunting, stag hunting going on illegally. Snares are seldom used in these parts, they love the thrill of the kill, the Hunt and their followers are sick, sadistic, blood thirsty barbaric idiots. The damage they do to heathland, the environment in the chase is to be seen to be believed, a pregnant deer is easy hunting for these sicos, they encourage their children to take part, these barbaric practices must be stopped.

I have never heard of snares, poisoning etc., in these parts, but I have seen man's inhumanity to animals on a regular occasion, listened to the sounds of the tally ho, it curdles my blood every time I hear them.

The boxing day meet took place as usual - no such thing as drag hunting around here, just defiance of the law.

The Ally.

Anonymous said...

Well done Rob, it's better to be prepared. I think it is only a question of time before they manage to arrest Stuart, if only to shut him up.

Anonymous said...


with everything that has been uncovered within H&SS, i.e. Mike Pollards lying, evil ways, isn't it time that someone had the balls to apologise to Lynne Swiatczak, ex chief nurse, for the way she was treated?

I recall the mud slinging that stuck to Lynne....all thanks to Mike Pollard and some slimey consultants.

Surely it must be payback time?

Surely the states owe Lynne an apology for the way she was treated?

Lynne was only ever there for her patients...unlike the many doctors nurses and managers who wanted to line their own pockets.....greedy bastards that they are.

Now come on Jersey.....prove that you really do listen to the public....apologise to Lynne...its the least she deserves after what she and her family went through!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

And these are the cases we know of, how many investigations were snuffed out before they could get into the system?

If there are any other states members out there who have not been completely bought out please raise the isssues that Stuart has highlighted in this posting.

These are valid points and questions about the islands judicial system, surely at least one person in our government has the backbone to pursue them? Or do you really all tremble in fear when the mighty pip ozouf scuttles past you?

Also how is it that Stuart, living off island with no official help, keeps raising issues and discovering corruption by himself. Meanwhile the rest of the states members and scrutiny panels have discovered nothing, raised none of the issues he has put forward and meekly accept every twisted and spun announcement that pip and Terry can deliver with a straight face?

And as to the previous question, I believe the collective noun is a scumbag of lawyers

Anonymous said...

>>all thanks to Mike Pollard and some slimey consultants.<<

As a matter of public record, it was a public vote of no confidence from the Island's Nurses that precipitated Lynne's demise.

Mike Pollard indeed had only recently made her his deputy chief executive.

It's true that many consultants were not sorry to see her go, although not necessarily for the reason given above. Many had different views to Lynne's as to what was needed for their patients.

Ultimately she went for the same reason as Mike Pollard- because she had lost the confidence of most of her staff- and, whatever good qualities she undoubtably possesses, she lost that confidence due to certain failings in her management abilities/style.

So, in the final analysis, she went because she wasn't doing her job well enough.

No apology therefore is required.

Please put this up Stuart- you have blocked all my previous attempts to bring some factual balance the LS issue.

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

I'm sorry - but you are quite wrong about Lynne.

I certainly made mistakes in that episode - largely because I was foolish enough to trust Mike Pollard - and to attach too much importance to the views of the Consultants.

Because Lynne was requiring a new level of professionalism from some nurses, certainly, that made her unpopular in some quarters - but, frankly, it wasn't her job to be popular.

The vast majority of the fomenting of dissatisfaction amongst nurses was seeded and driven by some Consultants.

It was - ultimately - the Consultants who wanted Lynne out - and who organised and drove the whole exercise.

And - frankly - anyone who doesn't recognise that now either, (a), doesn't know what they're talking about, or (c), simply isn't being honest.

There is a simple, core, issue and motive that explains the entire event.

Lynne had rightly identified a great deal of inefficiency in the way work was done in the hospital - especially the way waiting times, patients and waiting list were being "managed".

Lynne wanted to change and improve that state of affairs.

That set her upon an inevitable collision course with the Consultants - who had - over many decades - manipulated waiting lists - and found ways of massaging their required amount of 'public' work - in order to drive-up and maximise their highly profitable private clinical work.

Lynne's plans threatened all that, hence the war against her.

No doubt - a number of people will not agree with this analysis.

But let's wait and see what the Verita report has to say about Consultants' private practice; let's wait and see if the traditional and present habits of the system survive Verita.

If Verita finds against the customary private practice arrangements of Jersey hospital Consultants - Lynne will be 100% vindicated.


Anonymous said...

I thought it was a racket of lawyers.

their not going to be happy re:
the 7 bedford row revelations,
not one bit.

in the words of sir alex ferguson:-
it'll be squeaky bum time down at
'firm hq'


rico sorda said...

Hi Stuart

So the reason i have mentioned ACPO is because of its role or non role in the suspension of Graham Power. Some people will be saying for Gods sake rico give it a rest but this must be looked at.

I have put Lennys reply about ACPO up the reason for this you will see at the bottom of the page and its relevance to the judicial review

"The ACPO team duly arrived and over several visits set about examining all aspects of our work. After each set of visits which lasted several days, they would issue a report and hand that report to Graham Power, the Home Affairs Minister, and onwards to the Chief Minister. Indeed, two members of the team even had an hour long meeting with the Chief Minister, Bill Ogley, and, I think, the HA Minister during which time they briefed them on the way the investigation was proceeding and their thoughts on it. This was in the absence of Graham Power and myself. If there was anything wrong with the enquiry, given Walkers hostility to it, it would surely have been made known after that meeting.

During their visits to the island the team would speak to myself and many other members of my team. They spent many hours examining the computer system and the entries on it. I had to hand over all my policy books to them for examination. They were to comment in one of their reports that the Policy Books were being properly maintained. These are the documents that Gradwell said were a ‘mess’, and led to his comments about taking over “a poorly managed mess

Each report by the ACPO team would give their comments on the way the enquiry was progressing and would make recommendations. In the second report they stated that we were to be congratulated on the speed with which we had implemented these recommendations. The Team leader told me that it was the quickest he had ever seen recommendations being implemented. Gradwell told journalists that one of the team had told him that we had said we implemented things which, in fact, we had not. I asked the leader of the ACPO team about this. “Nonsense, it was never said,” was his response.

Of the two or three ACPO reports made whilst I was there, none contained any serious criticism. As with all such reviews there were things they felt we could do, or do differently, and we always had discussions around those. If I felt that it was not applicable to the Jersey context, I said so.

For example, one of their early recommendations was that I should have a ‘Gold Group’ which would include senior figures from the “caring agencies” in Jersey. I said some of those were among our priority suspects. The ACPO team accepted that it was not a good idea".


The existence of the A.C.P.O. reports was acknowledged by Mr Warcup in his letter of 10th November 2008 where he stated that their advice concerning the development of effective investigative parameters had not been followed. Thus, the complaint of Mr Warcup had been made in the express knowledge of and notwithstanding the A.C.P.O. reports and we agree that sight of the A.C.P.O. reports themselves would not actually assist the Minister without very extensive further inquiries – in effect the precise role being undertaken by the Wiltshire police in Operation Haven. We therefore concluded that the decision not to have regard to the reports themselves was rational and certainly within the range of responses open to a reasonable Minister in his position.



Searching for the truth

RS( goon)

voiceforchildren said...


A few of our elected represntatives, including yourself, talking about Blogging in 2009

Anonymous said...

On the collective noun theme, seeing as lawyers sell themselves to whoever their client maybe at the, may one suggest a "brothel of lawyers" ?

Anonymous said...

Hi Stuart,

I am the poster you respond to above.

If what you say about Lynne's plans to reorganise the balance of public and private work at the Hospital are true, I would a) not be surprised that she found the present arrangements wanting b) expect that this would encounter trenchant opposition from certain areas of the Hospital Consultant body.

However, I can also say with certainty that if this was the case it was not universally known at the time and therefore played no significant part in the more general dissatisfaction with her approach.

On the other hand, knowing the politics of the Hospital, I would not be at all surprised at certain Consultants of influence briefing privately against Lynne to the Chief Executive.

I would be very surprised if the present arrangements survive the Veritas report.

That said, how is it that you didn't tackle the present shambolic arrangements yourself? And what exactly did you trust Mike Pollard about?

Anonymous said...

A comment stated about L Swiatczak
"So, in the final analysis, she went because she wasn't doing her job well enough."

Correct - Time and time again, M Pollard and his cronies stopped LS reporting serious and significant fraud to the police.
Time and time again she was subjected to hectering and bullying by a clache of consultant bullies who ran the hospital.

LS went because the medical staff committee were worried that she would put an end to the private practise gravy train.
Why was there never an inquiry into her management style - simple there was no case to answer apart from the stinking behaviour of a group of consultants who misused the email system to co-ordinate their attack.
Some of us still have the email boys and some of us will happily hand it over

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

The e-mails concerning the plot to drive out LS.

You know what to do:

I look forward to receiving any such information.

The episode in question certainly deserves a posting of its own.



Anonymous said...

Stuart are you going to do some proper work in 2010?

Bertie said...


Is there anyone out there who can get hold of the APCO reports?

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

'Why didn't I tackle the present shambolic arrangements?'

Precisely because - back in those days - I was naive and foolish - and expected a certain rudimentary standard of ethics, competency and honesty from senior managers.

A politician - virtually any politician - having political executive responsibility for a public department - will be a lay-person.

You will be totally dependant upon - and at the mercy of - whatever the supposed "experts" and "professionals" tell you.

And that's the case whether one is considering Health or any other department, such as the Treasury, or Education, or Home Affairs or whatever.

No matter whether your politics are Labour, Lib-Dem or Conservative - if you are told a load of lying, morally dysfunctional crap by your senior civil servants - or you are misled by omission - you can never hope to succeed.

And we need only look at the child protection issue to see what disgusting depths these over-paid, unemployable clowns will stoop to.

In that case, I discovered, investigated, and discovered even more of the child protection failures - actually in spite of the senior civil servants - indeed, in the teeth of their attempts to conceal the truth.

And as this blog posting proves - this triggered a criminal conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in the engineering of my dismissal.

With a senior civil service so corrupted, self-interested and utterly out of control - the public good is never going to be well-served in Jersey.

At least, not until that culture is tackled and changed.

That would require political leadership.

There is zero chance of that occurring under the oligarchy politicians.

Just look at the evidence in this blog.

If the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers possessed a few molecules of leadership quality - Ogley and Baudains would be sacked - immediately.

No respectable administration anywhere in the established democratic world would even countenance keeping them employed.

But, I'm afraid in Jersey, the clear, public good comes a distant second to self-interest and petty-politicking.


Anonymous said...

In a similar vein to the last post, how about a "whore of lawyers"?

Anonymous said...

"However, I can also say with certainty that if this was the case it was not universally known at the time and therefore played no significant part in the more general dissatisfaction with her approach."

What exactly was known about the sacking of the chief nurse. Where is the report or investigation?
Does a report exist or was LS sacked because certain surgeons were under scrutiny for their private work.
The surgeons led by Paul Clifford orchestrated a careful email campaign against the chief nurse. They embroiled the nursing unions into their cause with the promise of unfettered pay awards for union officials.
What was the problem - LS had been made Deputy CEO and Paul Clifford knew the wheels would fall of the medical private practise monopoly

Anonymous said...

By the way where is the Verita report?

Is it still in the posession of Doctoring? Lane?

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

I've done more "proper" work in the last three months than 90% of States members do in their entire careers.

And as for the work I've done in the last three years - it has been of greater importance to the public good than the work of any post-war Jersey politician.

Just look at how lawless, decadent, dangerous and corrupted all of public administration in Jersey is.

Consider how there are simply no effective or functioning checks and balances.

A state of affairs leading to many, many examples of scandalous malfeasance by public authorities and those who run them - not least many decades of concealed child abuse.

No other Jersey politician has had the ability or courage required to recognise and tackle this complete breakdown in the standards of public administration.

But - you probably preferred things just the way they were.

Perhaps you agree with around two-thirds of current States members - that turning-up at one brain-rotting power-point presentation after another - and acting as passive lobby-fodder for the oligarchy and doing as you're told - equates to doing "work".

As I've remarked recently - there's a lot of truth in that saying, 'people get the government they deserve'.


Anonymous said...

Jane + Mike = Pollard


Mikala + Paul = Clifford?

Anonymous said...

"I've done more "proper" work in the last three months than 90% of States members do in their entire careers".

What running away from the law and the Chapman Report so thats proper work is it? Nobody you have fingered on here over the past 12 months has even been charged never mind the 3.

Just resign now Stuart, just resign.

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

Paul Clifford and Michaela Clifford?


The names are mere coincidence.

As far as I'm aware, there is no relationship between the two.


Anonymous said...

is that the same micheala with the kissy kissy email that is on here somewhere?

Anonymous said...

to quote Sir Thomas More.....

''They have no lawyers among them, for they consider them as a sort of people whose profession it is to disguise matters.''

Sir Thomas More (1478 - 1535)
Source: Utopia, 1516, Of Law and Magistrates/

Almost 500 years right Tom was!!

Anonymous said...

'If it wasn't for lawyers...we wouldn't need them' anon.

How true is that?

As for collective about a 'flush of lawyers'? ...all the way to Bellozane preferably!

Happy New Year.

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

“Running away from the law”?

You know, it’s comments of that quality which continue to prove my basic premise – that an unchallenged monopoly of power has bred crass stupidity and ignorance amongst the Jersey oligarchy and its supporters.

Anyone with a brain would consider the rudimentary facts – for example, those items of evidence which are in the public domain, the relevant laws, for example the Data Protection law itself, the PPCE law and the Human Rights (Jersey) law, and the court transcripts. Those facts show that what I have escaped from is – most certainly not - “the law”.

On the contrary – what I have escaped is a manifestly obvious corrupt and lawless misuse of the “law”, the prosecution system and the Jersey courts by the Jersey oligarchy and their allies at 7 Bedford Row.

Indeed – the evidenced facts as revealed in this blog posting prove that much.

And as for the Chapman report – well, what a joke.

Frankly – after the publication of the evidence of civil service corruption and lawlessness – only the truly thick could cite the Chapman report without being embarrassed.

As well as being manifestly wrong, incompetent, and part of the cover-up exercise for criminal civil servants – the Chapman report also stands as a monument to the utterly pathetic inadequacy of Terry Le Sueur.

This man’s supposed to be the leader of Jersey – but will let himself be puppeted by these civil servants in ways which are – plainly – counter to the public good.

He is like the proverbial dog – being wagged by the tail.

He is seeking to protect demonstrable, proven liars and crooks like Ogley & Baudains – when any leader worthy of the name would have been on the phone to them by now – telling them to clear their desks.

And as for me resigning – I’m glad to disappoint you by saying that I won’t be resigning; for that would make life altogether too easy for the oligarchy.

I have been oppressed and criminally harassed to the point of constructive exile from the island.

And this has happened to me – simply because I’ve been trying to do what is right – against a rotten and bent system.

I expect it will take a long time – but the survivors and I will win eventually. Hell, there’s already enough hard evidence in the public domain to make that an obvious certainty – just as soon as we eventually get the case to a decent court – even if that does have to be Strasbourg.

In fact – in the next month or so – we’ll obtain even more evidence, in the form of the official report into a complaint against the police for the raid and search in which I was arrested.

It’s pretty comical, actually – but the Jersey oligarchy are trying to withhold it – even though it’s been completed for months. They seem to be unaware of the UK case-law which makes it disclosable from the UK force who prepared it.

So – it wasn’t only criminal oppression I fled from – it was also the sheer stupidity that was pretty hard to endure.


Anonymous said...

Not only will the Veritas report be out early next year but also this..

The Scrutiny Panel Report on the EFW Environmental Impact documentations and thankfully some in depth questioning beyond that.

Not wishing to pre-empt that outcome but if anyone wants to read the transcripts and submissions there are similar veins of concealment and non-communication. Associated with this there are rumours of whistleblower derived prosecutions in watery circulation !
But there again any independent (aka 7 Bedford Row) advice will probably concur that there is no public interest in pursuance.

so .. No Public Interest = No public interest defence.

But if the public becomes genuinely interested then that lump under the carpet becomes a real'trip risk' .

"we've been here before!"
Waiting for Godot
(Samuel Beckett)

Senator Stuart Syvret said...

yes - that's the same Michaela who wrote the kissy-kissy e-mail to Richard Lane and Richard Jouault - in which they were discussing how to conceal their failures - including such devices as manufacturing - post-event - file notes - in an attempt to cover themselves.

Not only does this action render the continued employment of all three by the States of jersey impossible - it also demonstrates a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.


Anonymous said...

Just for the interest of your readers, by an amusing coincidence Paul Clifford was the title of a(n) (in)famous 19th century novel penned by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton and published in 1830. To quote from its Wikipedia entry:

'It tells the life of Paul Clifford, a man who leads a dual life as both a criminal and an upscale gentleman.'

The book commences with one of the best-known opening lines in literature:

"It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness."

This appallingly contorted phraseology was immortalised by Snoopy in numerous attempts to find a muse for his own literary masterpiece and subsequently formed the inspiration for San Jose State University's annual Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, which celebrates the worst in English writing.

Google the contest. It's worthy of a much wider audience.

Anonymous said...

where on here is that micheala email?

Anonymous said...

Just read Stuart Syvret V AG on voiceforprotest blog.

Both ADV. BAKER & JUDGE SHAW were fully booked after the 15th September, so they wanted to deal with Stuart Syvret before that date.

Little did they know it was only just beginning and in the New Year they would be in over their depth.

Stuart, it seemed that Shaw and Baker were talking DOWN to you, how you kept your cool and not walked out of court that day in August is hard to comprehend.

Anonymous said...

Baker was fully booked for Curtis Warren 16th onwards....

Loads of money!!!!

Anonymous said...

On another (unnamed) site Rico has been giving the Farticus the business with his sheer indisputable facts. With all the descriptions of lawyers on here I hope Rico will not be offended, but I think he would have made an extraordinary advocate. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

can't find that michaela email on here can somebody point me in it's direction?

Anonymous said...

Over 250,000 interested people would have read this blog by this time next week.

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