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The Washing Machine


I was walking along the street, minding my own business, when I just happened to look up and saw this. What in God's name is that, I wondered. And the bit of cloth sticking out of it. It quickly dawned on me that it was a washing machine, but what was with the bit hanging out. It was hardly a working model that had been sloppily emptied.

So what exactly was it advertising. No washing machine salesman would leave a bit of cloth hanging out like that.

That got me wondering about the appropriateness of signage and that in turn reminded me of a joke I heard in college all those years ago. It was then seen as a class of a Jewish joke, so I suppose I risk the wrath of the Israeli embassy (@IsraelinIreland) if I repeat it here.

I think that's what's known in Jewish financial circles as a putz option.


Anyway, back to the washing machine. When I had passed under the sign, and seen the premises on the other side, all was explained.

It was a launderette with a raft of real machines and open for business. So, a totally appropriate sign, after all, right down to the bit of bring-your-own washing hanging out of it.

Full marks to the proprietor.

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