The outdoor display of class artwork by the pupils of Scoil Assam and Scoil �ine featured again this year. The pictures were displayed on the school railings and were a wonder to behold. Each one clearly represented the combined work of a single class conceived and executed over a prolonged period in the lead up to the Festival. The dominant theme was My Raheny and the various interpretations amply demonstrated how wide you could range and still, at a pinch in some cases, stay within the terms of reference.
Given the bad weather forecast, the exhibits had been covered in a light plastic covering on the morning. The wind had this flapping around a bit which made the photographs difficult to take. So you are looking at a pale reflection of the actual works. I missed this feature of the Festival last year and am glad I managed to catch it this year. ![]()
A busy year indeed. I'll leave you to figure out the significance of individual illustrations.
My Raheny with a strong emphasis on My Springdale.
Scoil �ine, Baile �tha Cliath Ab�,
We Love Raheny.
Celtic Art. Ms Ussher & Ms Collins 5th Class
Ruined Church and Graveyard. Mr. Roche. 5th Class.
Euro 2012.UEFA. Mr Hamilton. 4th Class.
GAA. Ms. Kelleher. 4th Class.
Under the Sea at Dollymount. Mr. Byrne. 3rd Class.
Circle of Friends. Ms. McGee. 2nd Class.