The Shoemaker's Daughters : 1867-1972
How I found my Great Grand Aunt Eliza
Presentation on
The Burgess family of James's Street
Dublin City Library and Archive
Family History Day
24 March 2012
The best way to view the powerpoint presentation is to right-click on this link and download the file to your computer for viewing with a Powerpoint viewer. To view online just left-click on the link.
This is my third Powerpoint so I am still sort of feeling my way.
Having done a presentation on Ballybrack for the Local History Day in September 2008,and one for the Family History Day in 2010, I was sort of getting a taste for it, and I wondered if Máire Kennedy might be interested in yet another presentation, for Family History Day, this time on the Ma's family,.
My subject would be the family of the Ma's grandfather, Christopher Burgess, who was a shoemaker (master bootmaker) and whose business career was mostly in James's Street around the area of the Fountain. I had already menioned, in the previous presentation on PJ Medlar, that Christopher had a gaggle of daughters (9) to marry off, one of whom he offloaded onto PJ. This conjured up the title "The Shoemaker's Daughters" as a device for presenting a serial examination of Christopher's family. The two sons could be tagged on at the end for good measure.
Máire was on, and here we are.
The Presentation
The presentation is in Powerpoint and draws heavily on photos I found in my Granny's album, along with updates I took myself, and a few that Fr. Gerry Fleming winkled out of Aunt Mollie's collection. It also draws heavily on the GRO photostats from the BDM ledgers.
Running Order
This is the document I used as a script for the presentation.
Script (doc)
Longer Text
This is the document I used to assemble relevant textual information. It probably still needs tidying up.
Long Text (doc)
This short handout was distributed at the presentation.
Handout (doc)
Relevant material on my website
These are pages or posts of mine which are relevant to the present topic.
General index to Family History content of Website
Reference to Family History index page on my site.
I have a number of cameos as follows. They are up to date in varying degees. The long text document (above) is the latest version of everything and should take precedence over the cameos. I will get round to updating these in due course:
Sarah Rankin Póló's Great-grandmother (mother of Sarah Burgess)
Christopher Burgess Póló's Great-grandfather (father of Sarah Burgess)
Joseph Mortimer Póló's Great-grandfather (father of Patrick Mortimer)
Patrick Mortimer Póló's maternal Grandfather
Sarah Burgess Póló's maternal Grandmother
Sarah Mortimer Póló's Mother
John Burgess Póló's Granduncle
Christopher Joseph Burgess Póló's Granduncle
Nicholas P Fleming Póló's Granduncle (by marriage)
Nicholas Fleming Póló's Granduncle - once removed (by marriage)
Patrick J Medlar Póló's Granduncle (by marriage)
Peggy Medlar Póló's Granduncle (by marriage)'s cousin
Larry Medlar Póló's Granduncle (by marriage)'s brother.
The Larry Medlar page above consists of a series of taped stories. While they are all relevant in varying degrees, the one I am drawing most attention to is the story of the gun, as I had intended playing this at the talk, but didn't have time. This is a specific link to that story: Larry Medlar on Andy Duffy's revolver
Where they lived
Photos of where people lived along with some descriptive material.
Where they were buried
Some graves in Glasnevin cemetery, Dublin.
Death/funeral related material
Death Notice
Obituary and Funeral Attendance
Office Farewells
The full text of the two verses written for my mother on her leaving the Employment Exchange in Beresford Place in 1942.
Places of origin
I have done a page on the place of origin of Patrick Mortimer's mother:
Rosmuc, Co. Galway (Mary Ann Connolly)
The Barrington Connection
The Barringtons and my mother's family, connected for over a century.
The Barrington Connection
John Burgess's descendants on the Howth Road.
Howth Road Burgesses
Relevant material in my blogs.
Posts relevant to the present topic.
Some general reflections on doing my family history
Shoots, leaves and branches
Dublin in the rare oul times
My Tachondria and other trivia
From small acorns
Traitors all
Tadhg a' dá thaobh
Vótáil as Gaeilge
Contributions to other publications
Pue's occurrences
PJ Medlar (1885-1949)
Other talks in DCLA
Ballybrack 1500-1900
A short history of Ballybrack/Killiney
The Medlar's Gotcha
The Medlar Family
A Policeman's Lot
The Dwyer Family
The Corsican Defence
Restoration of Martello Tower No.7 (Dublin South)
Mail me.
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